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April 26, 2013, at 03:59 PM by razvancrainea -
Changed line 8 from:
To register for the '''Types of Routs in OpenSIPS''' see [[Training/Webinars| the webinars home page]].
To register for the '''Types of Routs in OpenSIPS''' see [[Documentation.Webinars| the webinars home page]].
August 04, 2009, at 05:43 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 1-8:
!!About -> [[About.News | News]] -> OpenSIPS Webinar

!!!! Webinar '''Types of Routs in OpenSIPS'''

This webinar will help you to understand how routing is done by OpenSIPS. How the SIP messages (requests/replies) are processed inside OpenSIPS and what types of scripting routes are available to help us with this.

To register for the '''Types of Routs in OpenSIPS''' see [[Training/Webinars| the webinars home page]].

Page last modified on April 26, 2013, at 03:59 PM