Main.Ver160 History

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April 25, 2013, at 05:17 PM by razvancrainea -
Added lines 1-3:
(:redirect About.Version-1-6-0 quiet=1:)

October 25, 2012, at 12:43 PM by -
Changed line 1 from:
!! Main -> [[Main.Releases|Releases]] -> [[Main.Ver16x|Version 1.6.x]] -> Devel 1.6.0
!! Main -> [[AvailableVersions|Available Versions]] -> [[Main.Ver16x|Version 1.6.x]] -> Devel 1.6.0
October 13, 2009, at 02:55 AM by anca_vamanu -
Changed line 20 from:
For backward compatibility, setting mem_leg will automatically set to the same value the mem_dump.\\
For backward compatibility, setting mem_log will automatically set to the same value the mem_dump.\\
October 12, 2009, at 09:56 PM by anca_vamanu -
Added lines 4-9:

!!! Migration to 1.6.0

A [[Resources.DocsMigration15to16|manual for how to migrate/update from 1.5.x to 1.6.0 is now available on site]].
September 21, 2009, at 03:45 PM by irina_stanescu -
Deleted line 230:
Added lines 232-242:
!!!! CALL_CONTROL module

* new parameters '''init''', '''start''', '''stop''' added to support customized call_control messages directly from the script
* example:
modparam("call_control", "init", "call-id=$ci to=$tu from=$fu
authruri=$du another_field = $avp(i:10)")
* the message sent if one of these parameter is set will be the string resulted after expanding the pvars

Added lines 302-312:

!!!! PERMISSIONS module

* this module was reorganized to use only one database table (so that no duplicate information is used) : '''trusted''' database table is no longer used and there is a new schema for the '''address''' database table
* the following script parameters are no longer used: '''peer_tag_avp''', '''trusted_table''', '''source_col'''
* '''ip_addr_col''' parameter was renamed as '''ip_col'''
* '''tag_col''' parameter was renamed as '''info_col'''
* '''from_col''' parameter was renamed as '''pattern_col'''
* the following functions were introduced: '''check_address()''', '''check_source_address()''', '''get_source_group()''' to replace '''allow_address()''', '''allow_source_address()''', '''allow_trusted()'''
* the new functions perform the same, but they are more flexible and use only one database table
September 20, 2009, at 10:39 PM by bogdan -
Changed line 24 from:
* extendes the idea of the '''advertised_address and advertised_port''' parameters so that it is possible to bind such an address to each listen= statement. Syntax-wise, it works like this:
* extendes the idea of the '''advertised_address and advertised_port''' parameters so that it is possible to bind such an address to each listen= statement. Syntax-wise, it works like this:\\
Changed lines 27-28 from:
Close Patch #2706135 (see
See Patch #2706135 (see
September 20, 2009, at 10:39 PM by bogdan -
September 20, 2009, at 10:38 PM by bogdan -
September 20, 2009, at 10:34 PM by bogdan -
Changed lines 24-30 from:
* extendes the idea of the '''advertised_address and advertised_port''' parameters so that it is possible to bind such an address to each listen= statement. Syntax-wise, it works like this:
listen=[proto:]host[:port][ AS host[:port]]
Close Patch #2706135 (see

Changed lines 56-59 from:
* added context meaning to pseudovariables - a new token added in front of the pv type name that specifies the context where the pv should be taken from; for now there are 2 pv contexts: reply and request, registered by the tm module
** $(<request>ru) from a reply route will get the Request-URI from the request
** $(<reply>hdr(Contact)) context can be used from failure route to access information from the reply
September 20, 2009, at 10:25 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 124-136:
!!!! DB_HTTP module (NEW)
This module provides access to a database that is implemented as a HTTP server. It may be used in special cases where traversing firewalls is a problem, or where data encryption is required.

In order to use this module you must have a server that can communicate via HTTP or HTTPS with this module that follows exactly the format decribed in the specifications section.

The module can provide SSL, authentication, and all the functionalities of an opensips db as long as the server supports them ( except result_fetch).

There is a slight difference between the url of db_http and the urls of the other db modules. The url doesn't have to contain the database name. Instead, everything that is after the address is considered to be a path to the db resource, it may be missing.

Find more on

Added line 232:
* added support for early dialogs in order to properly support PRACK requests
Added lines 329-330:

* - removed the dependency to Retry-After in 503 in order to do DNS based failure. This was debated on the sip-implementers mailing list and as the RFC3261 is a bit ambigous in that area, we prefer to have the common sense taking over.
September 20, 2009, at 10:15 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 25-30:
!!!! Script Routes

* The routes can have string names also, not only numerical IDs as it was until now. This way the routing flow will be more meaningful and easier to understand and follow. The backward compatibility was kept - and you can also use number IDs as route names.
* new '''startup_route''' type of script route - called only once when the server is started and before the listener processes are created. You can configure here some initialization actions to ease up the future processing. For example, you could take some values from database and store them in cache or in shared memory pseudovariables to have faster access to those values when needed.
* new '''timer_route''' type of script route - called on a timer basis at a given interval. This can be used to configure some periodical actions that do some data refresh actions for example. The time interval is given after the name of the route separated by comma and it represents a value in seconds.
September 20, 2009, at 10:05 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 262-268:

!!!! PIKE module
New extensions on the pike module for extending the flood detection : (1) from checking requests only, to checking all SIP traffic and (2) from checking the valid SIP packages to checking all received data (even if junk). New way of using the module -> '''automatic''' - the module will install internal hooks to catch all incoming requests and replies (even if not well formed from SIP point of view) - more or less the module will monitor all incoming packages (from the network) on the SIP sockets. Each time the source IP of a package
needs to be analyse (to see if trusted or not), the module will run a script route - see "check_route" module parameter -, where, based on custom logic, you can decide if that IP needs to be monitored for flooding or not. As action, when flood is detected, the module will automatically drop the packages.
September 20, 2009, at 10:00 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 198-204:
!!!! BENACHMARK module
* allow granularity == 0 (disables automatic logging)
* add bm_poll_results MI command (poll current results and restart local counters)
* reject granularity < 0

Deleted lines 210-211:

Added lines 226-228:
!!!! DROUTING module
* '''goes_to_gw()''' takes a second optional parameter (flags) to control the strip, the prefix and attr when GW matches
September 20, 2009, at 09:54 PM by bogdan -
Changed lines 208-210 from:
* dialog script flags, dialog profiles and dialog variables have DB persistence - all these data will be kept over an OpenSIPS restart.

* dialog script flags, dialog profiles and dialog variables have DB persistence - all these data will be kept over an OpenSIPS restart.
* new function '''validate_dialog()''' for verifying the in-dialog requests against the date stored in dialog internal structure (cseq, rr set, contact) - this is used to discover bogus or malicious sequential requests.
* new PV '''$DLG_dir''' to return (as string) the direction of an in-dialog request.

Added lines 239-243:

* the UDP communication is symmetric - the UDP reply packages are sent back from the RX socket - this helps when firewalls, nat , etc are in the middle; also from security point of view is a plus to know all the time the ports involved in the communication.
September 20, 2009, at 09:50 PM by bogdan -
Deleted line 237:
Added lines 239-242:
* new UAC test "8" - tests if client has contacted OpenSIPS from an address that is different from the one in the Contact field. Only IP is compared by this test.

Changed lines 246-247 from:
* new UAC test "32" - address in Contact is compared against source IP address of signaling
Changed lines 272-275 from:
**codec_exists_re ( regexp ); //test if a codec exists based on a POSIX regular expression.
**codec_delete_re( regexp ); //delete a codec based on a POSIX regular expression.
**codec_move_up_re( regexp ); //move a codec to the front of the list, based on a POSIX regular expression.
**codec_move_down_re( regexp );//move a codec to the back of the list, based on a POSIX regular expression.
September 20, 2009, at 09:36 PM by bogdan -
Added line 43:
* new PV $time(format) to print time is dynamic formatted time string. Format: see "man strftime" ; Ex: $time(%A %B %Y) -> Thursday September 2009
September 20, 2009, at 09:35 PM by bogdan -
Added line 256:
* registered() function takes a third optional parameter - a callid ; in this case, the function will check if a contact with that callid is already registered or not.
September 10, 2009, at 03:15 PM by bogdan -
Changed lines 128-137 from:
!!!! ALIAS_DB module
* new function '''alias_db_find("table","input_var","output_var")''' - similar to alias_db_lookup(), but instead of using fixed input (RURI) and output (RURI) is able to get the input SIP URI from a pseudo-variable and place the result back also in a pseudo-variable.\\
The function is usefull as the alias lookup does not affect the request it self (no RURI changes), can be used in a reply context (as it does not work with RURI only) and can be used for others URI than the RURI ( To URI, From URI, custom URI).\\
The function returns TRUE any alias mapping was found and returned.\\
* both alias_db_lookup() and alias_db_find() may take an optional param, a list of flags (char based flags):
**'d' - do not use domain part in the lookup (by default domain is used)
**'r' - do reverse lookup - the input is the ID URI and the result is alias URI (normally the input is the alias URI and the result is the ID URI)
* '''use_domain''' module parameter was removed as replaced by the "d" per-lookup option.
!!!! JSON module (NEW)
This module introduces a new type of variable that provides both serialization and de-serialization from JSON format. The Json format it is very useful as you can encode an unlimited number (and types) of info elements into a single string. For example a gateway description may contain several infos on the GW (if SST is accepted, RPID/PAI, etc), also a user profile (with all its date) can be condensed into a single string, so that DB ops are reduced to a maximum.

The variable provides ways to access objects and arrays to add,replace or delete values from the script.

The correct approach is to consider a json object as a hashtable ( you can put (key;value) pairs, and you can delete and get values by key) and a json array as an array ( you can append, delete and replace values).

Since the JSON format can have objects inside other objects you can have multiple nested hashtables or arrays and you can access these using paths.

See more on

Changed lines 141-143 from:
!!!! AVPOPS module
* '''New function avp_insert(_pvar_name_, value, index)''' - inserts a value to an avp set at a certain position
!!!! STUN server module (NEW)

There is a new STUN server(rfc 3489) module integrated in OpenSIPS.

Why an integrated STUN server module?
* A STUN server uses 2 ips and 2 ports to create 4 sockets on which to listen or respond.
* This integrated STUN module uses the SIPS sockets created by the OpenSIPS core:
** one (or two) of the sockets will overlap with the SIP signaling socket
** the rest will be created by this module for STUN only purposes.

In the case of a bad behaving NATs (such as symmetric NAT) only this integrated STUN server will increase the likelihood of STUN to solve the NAT traversal for a wider range of NAT implementations. This translates into less need of media relaying (for NAT traversal purposes).

* It is important to set the primary_ip:primary_port to match the OpenSIPS signalling ip and ports.
*If OpenSIPS binds one more interface this module will use that too; so make sure you set the correct alternate_ip:primary_port.
* STUN requires 2 routable ip addresses; if in shortage create a virtual interface (i don't recommend because it destroys the purpose for some usages).

Opensips listening for signaling traffic:
for stun module we configure :
primary_ip =; primary_port = 5060 - overlapping with signaling socket
primary_ip =; alternate_port = 3478 - dedicated stun socket
alternate_ip =; primary_port = 5060 - dedicated stun socket
alternate_ip =; alternate_port = 3478 - dedicated stun socket

Documentation can be found here:

Changed lines 174-176 from:
!!!! AVP_RADIUS module
%RED% important %% - Removed as its functionality is now part of the AAA_RADIUS module - see the AAA API and module changes.
!!!! ALIAS_DB module
* new function '''alias_db_find("table","input_var","output_var")''' - similar to alias_db_lookup(), but instead of using fixed input (RURI) and output (RURI) is able to get the input SIP URI from a pseudo-variable and place the result back also in a pseudo-variable.\\
The function is usefull as the alias lookup does not affect the request it self (no RURI changes), can be used in a reply context (as it does not work with RURI only) and can be used for others URI than the RURI ( To URI, From URI, custom URI).\\
The function returns TRUE any alias mapping was found and returned.\\
* both alias_db_lookup() and alias_db_find() may take an optional param, a list of flags (char based flags):
**'d' - do not use domain part in the lookup (by default domain is used)
**'r' - do reverse lookup - the input is the ID URI and the result is alias URI (normally the input is the alias URI and the result is the ID URI)
* '''use_domain''' module parameter was removed as replaced by the "d" per-lookup option.
Changed lines 185-187 from:
!!!! AUTH_RADIUS module
%RED% important %% - Renamed as AUTH_AAA module - see the AAA API and module changes.
!!!! AVPOPS module
* '''New function avp_insert(_pvar_name_, value, index)''' - inserts a value to an avp set at a certain position
Added lines 189-196:
!!!! AVP_RADIUS module
%RED% important %% - Removed as its functionality is now part of the AAA_RADIUS module - see the AAA API and module changes.

!!!! AUTH_RADIUS module
%RED% important %% - Renamed as AUTH_AAA module - see the AAA API and module changes.

Added lines 276-277:

* '''per branch onreply route''' - when calling "t_on_reply()" from branch route, the reply route will be set only for the current branch (and not for the whole transaction) - that's it, it will be called only for relies belonging to that particular branch. Of course, from branch route, you can set different reply routes for each branch.
August 26, 2009, at 07:24 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 172-176:

!!!! GROUP module
* '''is_user_in()''' renamed as '''db_is_user_in()'''
* '''get_user_group()''' renamed as '''db_get_user_group()'''
August 25, 2009, at 12:46 PM by anca_vamanu -
Added line 93:
Added line 95:
August 25, 2009, at 12:45 PM by anca_vamanu -
Changed lines 92-97 from:
TO BE updated
A signaling B2BUA implementation has been added in OpenSIPS. It can keep the state of the dialogs, create new dialogs and control dialogs to offer some PBX specific services.
This feature is implemented in two modules: b2b_entities and b2b_logic.
The services are defined in XML documents that are parsed and applied by the b2b_logic module. It uses the basic dialog management functions offered by the b2b_entities module to command the actions needed to implement the service.

Find more on
August 25, 2009, at 12:02 PM by bogdan -
Changed lines 90-92 from:
!!!! B2BUA support (NEW)
TO BE updated
August 25, 2009, at 11:37 AM by bogdan -
Added lines 216-220:

!!!! UAC module
* new functions '''uac_replace_to()''' and '''uac_restore_to()''' to perform TO header changing in a safe manner - similar to uac_replace_from() and uac_restore_from()
August 25, 2009, at 11:35 AM by bogdan -
Deleted line 132:
Added lines 134-141:
!!!! AVP_RADIUS module
%RED% important %% - Removed as its functionality is now part of the AAA_RADIUS module - see the AAA API and module changes.

!!!! AUTH_RADIUS module
%RED% important %% - Renamed as AUTH_AAA module - see the AAA API and module changes.

Added line 163:
Added lines 165-169:
!!!! GROUP_RADIUS module
%RED% important %% - Removed as merged into GROUP module - see the AAA API and module changes.

Changed lines 220-221 from:
%RED% important %% - This module does not exists anymore as its was merged into URI module (see AAA API and module changes). All functions from this module are now in URI module and prefixed ''db_'' string.
Added lines 223-227:

!!!! URI_RADIUS module
%RED% important %% - This module does not exists anymore as its was merged into URI module (see AAA API and module changes). All functions from this module are now in URI module and prefixed ''radius_'' prefix from the name of the functions was replaced with ''aaa_''.
August 25, 2009, at 11:22 AM by bogdan -
Added line 26:
Added lines 49-90:

!!!! AAA API and enhancement of RADIUS support(NEW)

!!!!! AAA API

The AAA API represents a set of generic callbacks and structures needed for AAA operations.

The purpose of the API is to move all the AAA specific (Radius) implementations in a single module. The AAA API will hide the implementations details from the modules that want to use AAA support, making it easier to use.

Currently, only one module implements the AAA API - '''aaa_radius''', offering Radius support.

Because both standardized AAA protocols, Radius and Diameter, use lists of attribute-value pairs, the API is designed based on attribute-value pairs, as well.

One of the advantages of using the API is that any module that wishes to do AAA operations does not depend on a certain protocol implementation, therefore it is not linked with a certain AAA library.

Hence, any module that was previously using Radius, for example, is not linked with the radiusclient library any more, which is obviously an advantage, especially when the module uses more than one API (DB, AAA, etc).

The AAA protocol to be used by a module is specified from the script using a so called "aaa_url" that encodes the protocol used and other useful information depending on the protocol.

The way the generic AAA API is used makes it very similar to the generic database API.

!!!!! The ability to make custom Radius requests directly from the script

This feature is very useful because of its flexibility. Basically, any type of Radius queries can be yielded directly from the script, and also, Radius replies can be inspected for certain attributes.

!!!!! Radius implementation for the generic AAA API

The handling of Radius AVP "SIP-AVP" (used for fetching variables from the Radius server) was integrated in this module. All SIP-AVPs are automatically and transparently handled by the module, so that this functionality is by default available for all the modules that use Radius.

!!!!! Module changes

Due to the fact that the modules that were previously using Radius were ported to the generic AAA API, the following changes have been made:
* '''auth_radius''' modules became '''auth_aaa''' module
* '''group_radius''' module was merged with '''group''' module
* '''uri_radius''' and '''uri_db''' were merged with '''uri''' module

August 25, 2009, at 11:17 AM by bogdan -
Changed lines 64-73 from:
!!!! DB_VIRTUAL module (NEW)

The '''DB_VIRTUAL''' module allows you to create virtual DB connection on top of real connections. A virtual connection may use multiple real connection (a set), acting as a mixer layer - based on different algorithms, the DB operation pushed on the virtual DB will be pushed further to one or more real DB connections.

The '''DB_VIRTUAL''' provides '''failover mode''' (you have a master real connection and when this is down, the queries will be pushed via the next real connection from the set), '''parallel mode''' (the received query is pushed via all real connections) and '''round-robin mode''' ( the received queries are spread across the set of real connections).

The purpose of this module is to provide '''failover and load-balancing at DB connection level in a totally transparent way for the modules that needs DB support'''.

August 25, 2009, at 11:09 AM by bogdan -
Added lines 64-65:

Deleted line 76:
Changed lines 78-81 from:
!!!! DIALOG module
* dialog script flags, dialog profiles and dialog variables have DB persistence - all these data will be kept over an OpenSIPS restart.

!!!! AVPOPS module
* '''New function avp_insert(_pvar_name_, value, index)''' - inserts a value to an avp set at a certain position

Added lines 83-96:
!!!! CFGUTILS module

* '''New function set_count(_pvar_name_)''' - returns the number of values of the pseudovariable
* '''New function set_select_weight(_pvar_name_)''' - selects an element from the set formed by the values of the pseudovariable; the selection algorithm is the genetic algorithm roulette-wheel selection; it return the index of the element

!!!! DIALOG module
* dialog script flags, dialog profiles and dialog variables have DB persistence - all these data will be kept over an OpenSIPS restart.

Deleted lines 156-165:

!!!! CFGUTILS module

* '''New function set_count(_pvar_name_)''' - returns the number of values of the pseudovariable
* '''New function set_select_weight(_pvar_name_)''' - selects an element from the set formed by the values of the pseudovariable; the selection algorithm is the genetic algorithm roulette-wheel selection; it return the index of the element

!!!! AVPOPS module
* '''New function avp_insert(_pvar_name_, value, index)''' - inserts a value to an avp set at a certain position
August 20, 2009, at 03:21 PM by bogdan -
Changed lines 43-44 from:
!!!!! Transformations
!!!! Transformations
August 20, 2009, at 01:13 PM by anca_vamanu -
Added lines 141-150:

!!!! CFGUTILS module

* '''New function set_count(_pvar_name_)''' - returns the number of values of the pseudovariable
* '''New function set_select_weight(_pvar_name_)''' - selects an element from the set formed by the values of the pseudovariable; the selection algorithm is the genetic algorithm roulette-wheel selection; it return the index of the element

!!!! AVPOPS module
* '''New function avp_insert(_pvar_name_, value, index)''' - inserts a value to an avp set at a certain position
August 20, 2009, at 01:07 PM by anca_vamanu -
Changed lines 42-47 from:

!!!!! Transformations

* added a new '''nameaddr''' transformation: '''param'''; it extract the value of a certain parameter
** example: avp(i:4) = $(hdr(From){nameaddr.param, tag});
August 20, 2009, at 01:04 PM by anca_vamanu -
Changed lines 40-41 from:

* delete the value at a certain index; syntax: $pvar[index]= NULL;
* overwrite the value at a certain index; syntax: $pvar[index] = new_val
August 20, 2009, at 10:36 AM by bogdan -
Changed line 20 from:
* new '''db_version_table" core parameter to allow configuration of custom names for "version" table. There are cases when a single DB contains tables from 2 versions of OpenSIPS, so distinct version tables are needed.
* new '''db_version_table" core parameter to allow configuration of custom names for "version" table. There are cases when a single DB contains tables from 2 versions of OpenSIPS, so distinct version tables are needed.\\
Added line 22:
db_version_table = "version_1_6";
Deleted lines 23-24:
db_version_table = "version_1_6";
August 20, 2009, at 10:35 AM by bogdan -
Added lines 20-24:
* new '''db_version_table" core parameter to allow configuration of custom names for "version" table. There are cases when a single DB contains tables from 2 versions of OpenSIPS, so distinct version tables are needed.
db_version_table = "version_1_6";
August 20, 2009, at 10:05 AM by bogdan -
Changed lines 12-20 from:
* new statistic classes for network and pkg_mem information: NET class , to provide information about the network sockets and PKMEM class, to provide information about the private memory of each process - see
* new ''''statistic classes for network and pkg_mem''' information: NET class , to provide information about the network sockets and PKMEM class, to provide information about the private memory of each process - see
* new '''mem_dump''' core parameter for a better control on logging memory info. Former "mem_log" was split in mem_log (only for debug log during mallog/free/realloc ops) and mem_dump (for dumping the mem status at runtime/shutdown). This will '''help in debugging memory leaks''' - you can request only the mem dumping without actually getting all the debugs during mem ops.\\
For backward compatibility, setting mem_leg will automatically set to the same value the mem_dump.\\
To get distinct setting, do:\\
mem_log = 6; # do not report mem logs (report them as debugs)
mem_dump = 0; # report mem dumps (report on ERR level)
July 23, 2009, at 02:09 PM by -
Added lines 99-106:

!!!! TEXTOPS module
* new functions were added for SDP codec manipulation (see
**codec_exists(name[,clock]); //test if a codec exists
**codec_delete(name[,clock]); //delete a codec
**codec_move_up(name[,clock]); //move a codec to the front of the list
**codec_move_down(name[,clock]);//move a codec to the back of the list
July 23, 2009, at 11:45 AM by bogdan -
Added lines 75-77:
* support for destination probing (pinging) and enabling / disabling state. The module is now capable to monitor the status of the destinations by doing SIP probing (sending SIP requests like OPTIONS) and to automatically enables / disable destination based on the probing result. See: \\
July 23, 2009, at 11:42 AM by bogdan -
Added line 74:
* function '''load_balance()''' accepts the group parameter as pseudo-variable also
July 16, 2009, at 10:31 AM by bogdan -
Added lines 29-43:

!!!! MEMCACHED module (NEW)
A new module that provides a new caching method using memcached servers was added.
It provides a way to access memcached servers using the existing memcache API.

Advantages over the existing "localcache" module:
* memory costs are no longer on the server
* many servers may be used so the memory is virtually unlimited
* the cache is persistent so a restart of the server will not affect the cache
* memcached is an open-source project so it can be used to exchange data with various other applications
* servers may be grouped together (e.g. for security purposes : some can be inside a private network, some can be in a public one).

Find more on or \\
July 06, 2009, at 01:42 PM by bogdan -
Changed line 20 from:
* $(branch()[n]) - this variable provides read/write access to all fields/attributes of an already existing branch (priorly created with append_branch() ) - see The fields of the branch are:
* $(branch()[n]) - this variable provides read/write access to all fields/attributes of an already existing branch (priorly created with append_branch()). The variable accepts also index $(branch(uri)[1]) for accessing a specific branch (multiple branches can be defined at a moment). The index starts from 0 (first branch). If the index is negative, it is considered the n-th branch from the end ( index -1 means the last branch).To get all branches, use the * index - $(branch(uri)[*]). - see The fields of the branch are:
Deleted line 26:
The variable accepts also index $(branch(uri)[1]) for accessing a specific branch (multiple branches can be defined at a moment). The index starts from 0 (first branch). If the index is negative, it is considered the n-th branch from the end ( index -1 means the last branch).To get all branches, use the * index - $(branch(uri)[*]).
July 06, 2009, at 01:40 PM by bogdan -
Changed lines 19-28 from:
* $branch - replaces the $br
* $branch - replaces the $br variable (
* $(branch()[n]) - this variable provides read/write access to all fields/attributes of an already existing branch (priorly created with append_branch() ) - see The fields of the branch are:
** uri - the RURI of the branch (string value)
** duri - destination URI of the branch (outbound proxy of the branch) (string value)
** q - q value of the branch (int value)
** path - the PATH string for this branch (string value)
** flags - the branch flags of this branch (int value)
** socket - the local socket to be used for relaying this branch (string value)
The variable accepts also index $(branch(uri)[1]) for accessing a specific branch (multiple branches can be defined at a moment). The index starts from 0 (first branch). If the index is negative, it is considered the n-th branch from the end ( index -1 means the last branch).To get all branches, use the * index - $(branch(uri)[*]).
* $TS - startup time stamp
July 03, 2009, at 06:01 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 19-20:
* $branch - replaces the $br
June 29, 2009, at 03:05 PM by bogdan -
Changed line 53 from:
* MI command "nh_enable_ping", if triggered with no paramter, will return the internal status of natping (if enabled or disabled)
* MI command "nh_enable_ping", if triggered with no parameter, will return the internal status of natping (if enabled or disabled)
June 29, 2009, at 03:04 PM by bogdan -
Added line 55:
June 29, 2009, at 03:04 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 55-70:
!!!! REGISTRAR module

* former global parameters like '''method_filtering''', '''max_contacts''', '''append_branches''', '''use_path''', '''path_mode''' and '''path_use_received''' are now per AOR / function parameters ; also
* lookup() function takes char flags (see
** if parallel forking should be done or not for this lookup (if branches should be appended or not)
** if method filtering should be performed or not for this lookup
* save() function takes char flags (see
** if contacts should ''not be saved in DB'' (cache update only)
** if ''no reply'' should be sent out
** the ''maximum number of contacts'' allowed for AOR
** ''path'' support control (what path mode should be used) - (former global params)
** ''path received'' (former global param)
* '''sock_flag''' was moved as flag of the save() function

Changed line 76 from:
* t_reply() function does not requires anymore a prior create Transaction (as in 1.5). If no transaction is found, it will be automatically created.
* t_reply() function does not requires any more a prior create Transaction (as in 1.5). If no transaction is found, it will be automatically created.
June 05, 2009, at 08:15 PM by bogdan -
Changed lines 45-48 from:
!!!! LOAD_BALANCER module
* more algorithm for computing the load are available - relative or absolute values. See:\\
May 29, 2009, at 03:28 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 30-35:

!!!! DIALOG module
* dialog script flags, dialog profiles and dialog variables have DB persistence - all these data will be kept over an OpenSIPS restart.
May 11, 2009, at 11:44 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 30-38:

!!!! DISPATCHER module

* '''ds_is_from_list()''' replaced with a more generic function '''ds_is_in_list("ip","port")'''. The new function takes as parameters the IP and PORT to test against the dispatcher list, instead of using only the source IP and PORT (as ds_is_from_list()).\\
'''ds_is_from_list() == ds_is_in_list("$si","$sp")'''\\
The new function can be used also if the destination is part of a dispatching set :\\
May 11, 2009, at 09:47 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 13-18:

!!!! Pseudo variables

* $an - the nonce from Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header
* $ar - the authentication response from Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header
May 10, 2009, at 05:15 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 37-38:

* t_cancel_branch() take flags ("a" - cancel all branches; "o" - cancel all other branches except current; "" - current branch); t_cancel_call() is obsoleted and removed (same as t_cancel_branch("a")).
May 05, 2009, at 01:24 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 13-23:

!!!! ALIAS_DB module
* new function '''alias_db_find("table","input_var","output_var")''' - similar to alias_db_lookup(), but instead of using fixed input (RURI) and output (RURI) is able to get the input SIP URI from a pseudo-variable and place the result back also in a pseudo-variable.\\
The function is usefull as the alias lookup does not affect the request it self (no RURI changes), can be used in a reply context (as it does not work with RURI only) and can be used for others URI than the RURI ( To URI, From URI, custom URI).\\
The function returns TRUE any alias mapping was found and returned.\\
* both alias_db_lookup() and alias_db_find() may take an optional param, a list of flags (char based flags):
**'d' - do not use domain part in the lookup (by default domain is used)
**'r' - do reverse lookup - the input is the ID URI and the result is alias URI (normally the input is the alias URI and the result is the ID URI)
* '''use_domain''' module parameter was removed as replaced by the "d" per-lookup option.
April 23, 2009, at 07:32 PM by bogdan -
Changed lines 12-14 from:
* new statistic classes for network and pkg_mem information: NET class , to provide information about the network sockets and PKMEM class, to provide information about the private memory of each process - see

Added lines 16-20:
!!!! NATHELPER module

* MI command "nh_enable_ping", if triggered with no paramter, will return the internal status of natping (if enabled or disabled)

Added line 26:
April 09, 2009, at 12:19 PM by bogdan -
Changed lines 16-17 from:
* RFC 3326 support (Call Completed Elsewhere) added: A proxy forks an INVITE request and one of the branches returns a 200 (OK). The forking proxy includes this status code in a Reason header field in the CANCEL request that it sends to the rest of the branches.
* '''RFC 3326 support (Call Completed Elsewhere)''' added: A proxy forks an INVITE request and one of the branches returns a 200 (OK). The forking proxy includes this status code in a Reason header field in the CANCEL request that it sends to the rest of the branches.
Changed line 23 from:
- New function get_auth_id() - Checks given uri-string username against URI table (if use_uri_table is set) or subscriber table database backend required). Returns true if the user exists in the database, and sets the given variables to the authentication id and realm corresponding to the given uri.
* '''New function get_auth_id()''' - Checks given uri-string username against URI table (if use_uri_table is set) or subscriber table database backend required). Returns true if the user exists in the database, and sets the given variables to the authentication id and realm corresponding to the given uri.
April 09, 2009, at 12:18 PM by bogdan -
Added line 12:
Added lines 14-20:
!!!! TM module

* RFC 3326 support (Call Completed Elsewhere) added: A proxy forks an INVITE request and one of the branches returns a 200 (OK). The forking proxy includes this status code in a Reason header field in the CANCEL request that it sends to the rest of the branches.

* t_reply() function does not requires anymore a prior create Transaction (as in 1.5). If no transaction is found, it will be automatically created.

Changed line 23 from:
- New function get_auth_id().
- New function get_auth_id() - Checks given uri-string username against URI table (if use_uri_table is set) or subscriber table database backend required). Returns true if the user exists in the database, and sets the given variables to the authentication id and realm corresponding to the given uri.
April 08, 2009, at 06:49 PM by saguti -
Changed lines 13-15 from:
!!!! URI_DB module
!!!! URI_DB module

- New function get_auth_id().
April 06, 2009, at 02:07 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 1-13:
!! Main -> [[Main.Releases|Releases]] -> [[Main.Ver16x|Version 1.6.x]] -> Devel 1.6.0
(:toc-float Table of Content:)

!!! What is new in 1.6.0

!!!! Core

!!!! URI_DB module

Page last modified on April 25, 2013, at 05:17 PM