Main.Ver180 History

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April 23, 2013, at 07:11 PM by -
Changed lines 1-187 from:

Main -> Available Versions -> 1.8.x Releases -> Release 1.8.0

This page has been visited 22306 times. (:toc-float Table of Content:)

Migration from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0

A manual for how to migrate/update from 1.7.x to 1.8.0 is now available on site.

What is new in 1.8.0


  • KeyValue Interface - Add a new interface to allow support for Key-Value ( NoSQL ) type databases more ...
  • Enhanced listen functionality - Listen definition may accept several optional parameters, allowing to configure an advertise IP and port only for a specific interface and to set a different number of children per interface (for UDP and SCTP interfaces only) see ...
  • Enhanced reporting for SIP msg processing - When the SIP message threshold is exceeded, the most time consuming function calls from the script will also be printed to the logging facility see ...
  • Support for includes in the configuration file - Makes working with large configs much easier. It also hopes to achieve some modularity when working with large projects/installations by abstracting parts of the logic into individual files. see ...
  • AVP Optimization - Optimized the AVP name search at runtime, moved the AVP aliases in a tree map
  • Extended send function - Core function "send" can receive an extra parameter with headers that will be added to the sent message see ...
  • New subscribe_event function - Added the 'subscribe_event' function to the Event Interface. This function offers the possibility to subscribe an external application from the script see ...
  • TCP Keepalive Support - TCP keepalive support to OpenSIPS. If a TCP connection is kept idle on one direction for a long time some routers would half close it, so even if all clients usually send TCP keepalives it's also good to do it from the server side.see ...

OpenSIPS configuration

  • Easier Configuration - A new tool with a graphical user interface has been added to make it easier to configure OpenSIPS compile related options, to install OpenSIPS, and to generate configuration files based on user preferences. more ...


  • Cassandra Module - Uses the Key-Value interface in the core to allow script & modules to connect and do various Key-Value operations on a Cassandra DB. more ...


  • Redis Module - Uses the Key-Value interface in the core to allow the script & modules to connect and do various Key-Value operations on a Redis DB. more ...

New DNS_CACHE module

  • DNS_CACHE Module - Uses the Key-Value interface in the core to cache all types of DNS records in a cache_db type back-end ( localcache, memcached, redis, cassandra ). more ...


  • RabbitMQ client - Will allow OpenSIPS to push tasks into a RabbitMQ server, where they will be later processed by other entities. more ...

New HTTPD module

  • Httpd module - Embedded web server based on microlibhttpd. more ...

New LUA module

  • Lua module - Access to Lua functions in the opensips.cfg more ...

New MI_HTTP module

  • mi_http Module - Allows server management through a web interface (using the existing MI commands). more ...


  • sipcapture module - allows OpenSIPS to operate as a robust and scalable SIP sampling/capture server

with native support for HEPv1/v2, IPIP Encapsulation protocols and switch mirroring/monitoring port traffic. more ...

New SIPMSGOPS module

  • sipmsgops module - In a large restructuring, all the SIP related functions were moved from the textops

module to the sipmsgops module. more ...

  • support for standard payloads - the codec related functions can recognize now the standard payloads (codecs) as defined by IANA, when they are not defined in the actual SDP (as rtpmap).
  • SIP Validation - A new function, sipmsg_validate() has been added . that verifies if the received SIP request or reply is compliant with the RFC3261. The new function can be used to prevent malformed SIP messages from propagating through your network, and also avoid expensive processing them from the start. more ...
  • Change Reply Status - change_reply_status() function added, useful in various scenarios when you need to convert a specific reply from one to another without completely discarding the reply. see ...


  • Extract AVP from reject answers - module allows you now to retrieve RADIUS AVPs (back into script) even from the RADIUS reject answers (and not only from the accept answers). Such AVPs may give additional information on the reject reason/cause.

ACC module

  • Enhanced CDR functionality - Added three new params in acc module: db_extra_bye, aaa_extra_bye, log_extra_bye. When using CDR auto generation, these parameters will allow you to add some extra accouting information taken from the BYE message. see ...
  • variable support in acc_xxx_request() - the acc_*_request() methods accept variables in the "comment" field (Ex: acc_db_request("$T_reply_code $(<reply>rr)"); ) . It also supplies a default reason if just a sip code is accounted.

AUTH module

  • Improved stale nonce handling - Check for stale nonce in pre_auth, before actual auth request. It decreases dramatically the number of requests to the actual auth backend thus improving performance

B2BUA modules

  • changing interface is now possible by using the "force_send_socket()" before creating a new b2bua instance
  • interface aliasing supported for identifying the local contacts - this makes possible the usage of B2BUA behind a NATs (nated opensips instances) with external IP advertising.


  • DB reconnection - Attempt to reconnect to the DB on the fly, instead of missing the current query.
  • Long query detection - Similar to the db_mysql module, the db_postgres module now exports a new parameter, exec_query_threshold. If queries take longer than 'exec_query_threshold' microseconds, warning messages will be written to logging facility. see ...


  • Custom delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate the fields can now be custom. This spares you of explicit escaping the separator character ('|') when you can use a different character instead. see ...
  • Single file per table - This enhancement allows the module to efficiently dump all the data into a single file by each process, instead of separate files. This offers better management of the generated files for each table. see ...
  • Customized logging files - The two new parameters were added, "suffix" and "preffix" allow you to customize the file names where the db_flatstore dumps data. You can now add a timestamp or a version number for each file this module generates. see ...

DIALOG module

  • Distributed Dialog profiles - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store Dialog profiles into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share Dialog profiles information, allowing you to create complex scenarios like distributed load balancing more ...
  • Early Dialog Termination - A djalog can be ended from the middle by OpenSIPS, even if in unconfirmed or early state see ...
  • Extended Dialog API - Allow other modules to specify certain behavior, like in-dialog pinging or BYE on timeout.
  • New parameter - Added a new parameter 'db_flush_vals_profiles' that tells OpenSIPS to dump dialog vals, profiles and user flags into db when using db_mode 1 and 2 see ...
  • New Dialog PVAR - Added new $DLG_did pseudo variable that returns the dialog DID see ...
  • dlg_db_sync MI command - Added a new MI command, dlg_db_sync, that will synchronize the information about the dialogs from the database with the OpenSIPS internal memory. To be used mainly for transfering OpenSIPS dialog information from one server to another. see ...


  • Socket per destination - New "socket" field in the definition of a destination - optional local socket to be used for sending requests (traffic and probing) to that destination
  • ds_is_in_list Enhancement - ds_is_in_list() will populate the attributes AVP for the matched dispatcher entry
  • list_file - the file based provisioning support removed.
  • failover related AVPs do have now default values, so there is no need to explicitly define them into script (only if you want to change them)


  • Carrier concept - Introduced the Carrier concept. A carrier is a set of gateways, where the set provides different properties like order of usage, enabling/disabling, weights, etc; The carrier concept extends the concept of list of GWs, to allow the implementation for more advanced scenarios.
  • Explicit weights - when listing gateways of carriers in the definition of rules or carriers, each entry may have a weight (for load-balancing purposes)
  • Rule fallback - If all gateways under the current rule fail, OpenSIPS will be able to fallback to other rules with less priority or shorter prefix.
  • Matched prefix - In case of a prefix match, that specific prefix will be return in an AVP and accessible from script.
  • GW whitelist - when doing routing, you can specify a white list of GWs - an extra param can be pushed to do_routing() in order to force routing over a given list of carriers or gateways (a subset of what found in the prefix rules)
  • route_to_gw(), route_to_carrier() - new script functions to force routing to a specific gateway or carrier (routing rules will not be used in this case)
  • dr_gw_status / dr_carrier_status - new MI function to see and set the status of a gateway / carrier (enabled / disabled)


  • Major Rework - Added a new, more flexible implementation of the ratelimit module. This module now allows you to create pipes dinamically at runtime more ...
  • Distributed Limiting - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store limiting info into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share information about the same Ratelimit pipe. see ...


  • GRUU - Implement the GRUU SIP extension. more ...
  • ul_sync fifo command - synchronizes contacts from memory with the database see ...

TM module

  • Modify message in local_route - Various parts of the SIP message can now be modified in local_route, such as Destination-URI, Request-URI, headers, etc.
  • Dos Protection - 401 and 407 replies (local or proxied) are not retransmitted any more (as per RFC3261 , DoS Protection)

UAC / UAC_AUTH modules

  • the password for doing UAC authentication can be provided now as HA1 hexa string (and not only plain-text password as before). The UAC_AUTH module will automatically detect if the password string is plain-text or HA1 format. This change affects the "credential" module parameter from UAC_AUTH module (as content only - see docs) and the "auth_password_avp"(also as content only - see docs)


  • database support - registrants are loaded from database instead of being configured in the config file (via parameters). see ...

(:redirect About.Version-1-8-0 quiet=1:)

October 25, 2012, at 12:41 PM by -
Changed line 1 from:

Main -> Releases? -> Release 1.8.0


Main -> Available Versions -> 1.8.x Releases -> Release 1.8.0

March 22, 2012, at 09:03 PM by bogdan -
Changed lines 143-149 from:
  • DR_CARRIERS - Introduce the Carrier concept. A carrier can have multiple gateways and will allow for more advanced scenarios.
  • Rule fallback - In case all the specified gateways for a specific rule will fail, OpenSIPS will be able to fallback to a less specific prefix
  • Current prefix - In case of a prefix match, that specific prefix will be return in an AVP and accessible from script.
  • GW whitelist - support for white list on routing - an extra param can be pushed to do_routing() in order to force routing over a given list of carriers or gateways (a subset of what found in the prefix rules)
  • Carrier concept - Introduced the Carrier concept. A carrier is a set of gateways, where the set provides different properties like order of usage, enabling/disabling, weights, etc; The carrier concept extends the concept of list of GWs, to allow the implementation for more advanced scenarios.
  • Explicit weights - when listing gateways of carriers in the definition of rules or carriers, each entry may have a weight (for load-balancing purposes)
  • Rule fallback - If all gateways under the current rule fail, OpenSIPS will be able to fallback to other rules with less priority or shorter prefix.
  • Matched prefix - In case of a prefix match, that specific prefix will be return in an AVP and accessible from script.
  • GW whitelist - when doing routing, you can specify a white list of GWs - an extra param can be pushed to do_routing() in order to force routing over a given list of carriers or gateways (a subset of what found in the prefix rules)
  • route_to_gw(), route_to_carrier() - new script functions to force routing to a specific gateway or carrier (routing rules will not be used in this case)
  • dr_gw_status / dr_carrier_status - new MI function to see and set the status of a gateway / carrier (enabled / disabled)
March 22, 2012, at 06:17 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed lines 164-166 from:
  • replies 401 and 407 (local or proxied) are not retransmitted any more (as per RFC3261 , DoS Protection)
  • Modify message in local_route - Various parts of the SIP message can now be modified in local_route, such as Destination-URI, Request-URI, headers, etc.
  • Dos Protection - 401 and 407 replies (local or proxied) are not retransmitted any more (as per RFC3261 , DoS Protection)
March 22, 2012, at 04:24 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 96-102:

B2BUA modules

  • changing interface is now possible by using the "force_send_socket()" before creating a new b2bua instance
  • interface aliasing supported for identifying the local contacts - this makes possible the usage of B2BUA behind a NATs (nated opensips instances) with external IP advertising.
March 22, 2012, at 12:50 PM by vlad_paiu -
Deleted line 2:

March 22, 2012, at 12:50 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added line 2:

This page has been visited 22306 times.

March 22, 2012, at 12:45 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed line 9 from:


March 21, 2012, at 06:56 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 154-157:

TM module

  • replies 401 and 407 (local or proxied) are not retransmitted any more (as per RFC3261 , DoS Protection)
March 21, 2012, at 02:41 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 90-91:
  • variable support in acc_xxx_request() - the acc_*_request() methods accept variables in the "comment" field (Ex: acc_db_request("$T_reply_code $(<reply>rr)"); ) . It also supplies a default reason if just a sip code is accounted.
March 21, 2012, at 02:10 PM by bogdan -
March 21, 2012, at 02:07 PM by bogdan -
Changed lines 75-76 from:
  • support for standard payloads - the codec related functions can recognize now the standard payloads (codecs) as defined by IANA, when they are not defined in the actual SDP (as rtpmap).
Added lines 128-130:
  • failover related AVPs do have now default values, so there is no need to explicitly define them into script (only if you want to change them)
March 21, 2012, at 02:01 PM by bogdan -
Changed lines 24-25 from:
  • AVP Optimisation - Optimized the AVP name search at runtime, moved the AVP aliases in a tree map
  • AVP Optimization - Optimized the AVP name search at runtime, moved the AVP aliases in a tree map
Added lines 81-85:


  • Extract AVP from reject answers - module allows you now to retrieve RADIUS AVPs (back into script) even from the RADIUS reject answers (and not only from the accept answers). Such AVPs may give additional information on the reject reason/cause.
March 21, 2012, at 01:57 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 120-121:
  • list_file - the file based provisioning support removed.
March 21, 2012, at 01:54 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 141-144:

UAC / UAC_AUTH modules

  • the password for doing UAC authentication can be provided now as HA1 hexa string (and not only plain-text password as before). The UAC_AUTH module will automatically detect if the password string is plain-text or HA1 format. This change affects the "credential" module parameter from UAC_AUTH module (as content only - see docs) and the "auth_password_avp"(also as content only - see docs)
March 19, 2012, at 02:50 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 118-119:
  • ds_is_in_list Enhancement - ds_is_in_list() will populate the attributes AVP for the matched dispatcher entry
March 19, 2012, at 02:49 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 114-117:


  • Socket per destination - New "socket" field in the definition of a destination - optional local socket to be used for sending requests (traffic and probing) to that destination
March 14, 2012, at 07:19 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed lines 26-28 from:
  • Extended send function - Core function "send" can receive an extra parameter with headers that will be added to the sent message see ...
  • New subscribe_event function - Added the 'subscribe_event' function to the Event Interface. This function offers the possibility to subscribe an external application from the script see ...
  • Extended send function - Core function "send" can receive an extra parameter with headers that will be added to the sent message see ...
  • New subscribe_event function - Added the 'subscribe_event' function to the Event Interface. This function offers the possibility to subscribe an external application from the script see ...
March 14, 2012, at 07:06 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 29-30:
  • TCP Keepalive Support - TCP keepalive support to OpenSIPS. If a TCP connection is kept idle on one direction for a long time some routers would half close it, so even if all clients usually send TCP keepalives it's also good to do it from the server side.see ...
March 14, 2012, at 06:46 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed line 111 from:
  • dlg_db_sync MI command - Added a new MI command, dlg_db_sync, that will synchronize the information about the dialogs from the database with the OpenSIPS internal memory. To be used mainly for transfering OpenSIPS dialog information from one server to another.
  • dlg_db_sync MI command - Added a new MI command, dlg_db_sync, that will synchronize the information about the dialogs from the database with the OpenSIPS internal memory. To be used mainly for transfering OpenSIPS dialog information from one server to another. see ...
March 14, 2012, at 06:46 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 82-85:

AUTH module

  • Improved stale nonce handling - Check for stale nonce in pre_auth, before actual auth request. It decreases dramatically the number of requests to the actual auth backend thus improving performance
March 14, 2012, at 02:22 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 106-107:
  • dlg_db_sync MI command - Added a new MI command, dlg_db_sync, that will synchronize the information about the dialogs from the database with the OpenSIPS internal memory. To be used mainly for transfering OpenSIPS dialog information from one server to another.
March 13, 2012, at 05:21 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 75-76:
  • Change Reply Status - change_reply_status() function added, useful in various scenarios when you need to convert a specific reply from one to another without completely discarding the reply. see ...
March 13, 2012, at 05:19 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed lines 26-28 from:
  • Extended send function - Core function "send" can receive an extra parameter with headers that will be added to the sent message see ...
  • New subscribe_event function - Added the 'subscribe_event' function to the Event Interface. This function offers the possibility to subscribe an external application from the script see ...
  • Extended send function - Core function "send" can receive an extra parameter with headers that will be added to the sent message see ...
  • New subscribe_event function - Added the 'subscribe_event' function to the Event Interface. This function offers the possibility to subscribe an external application from the script see ...
March 13, 2012, at 05:17 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed line 18 from:
  • Enhanced listen functionality - Listen definition may accept several optional parameters, allowing to configure an advertise IP and port only for a specific interface and to set a different number of children per interface (for UDP and SCTP interfaces only) see ...
  • Enhanced listen functionality - Listen definition may accept several optional parameters, allowing to configure an advertise IP and port only for a specific interface and to set a different number of children per interface (for UDP and SCTP interfaces only) see ...
March 13, 2012, at 05:16 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 21-22:
  • Support for includes in the configuration file - Makes working with large configs much easier. It also hopes to achieve some modularity when working with large projects/installations by abstracting parts of the logic into individual files. see ...
March 09, 2012, at 11:22 AM by vlad_paiu -
Changed line 83 from:
  • Long query detection - Similar to the db_mysql module, the db_postgres module now exports a new parameter, exec_query_threshold. If queries take longer than 'exec_query_threshold' microseconds, warning messages will be written to logging facility.
  • Long query detection - Similar to the db_mysql module, the db_postgres module now exports a new parameter, exec_query_threshold. If queries take longer than 'exec_query_threshold' microseconds, warning messages will be written to logging facility. see ...
March 08, 2012, at 04:02 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 82-83:
  • Long query detection - Similar to the db_mysql module, the db_postgres module now exports a new parameter, exec_query_threshold. If queries take longer than 'exec_query_threshold' microseconds, warning messages will be written to logging facility.
March 08, 2012, at 02:23 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 20-21:
  • Enhanced reporting for SIP msg processing - When the SIP message threshold is exceeded, the most time consuming function calls from the script will also be printed to the logging facility see ...
Deleted lines 22-23:
  • Enhanced reporting for SIP msg processing - When the SIP message threshold is exceeded, the most time consuming function calls from the script will also be printed to the logging facility see ...
March 08, 2012, at 02:07 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed line 22 from:
  • AVP Optimisation - Optimized the AVP name search at runtime, moved the AVP aliases in a tree map
  • Enhanced reporting for SIP msg processing - When the SIP message threshold is exceeded, the most time consuming function calls from the script will also be printed to the logging facility see ...
March 08, 2012, at 02:02 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 16-19:
  • KeyValue Interface - Add a new interface to allow support for Key-Value ( NoSQL ) type databases more ...
  • Enhanced listen functionality - Listen definition may accept several optional parameters, allowing to configure an advertise IP and port only for a specific interface and to set a different number of children per interface (for UDP and SCTP interfaces only) see ...
Added lines 22-23:
  • AVP Optimisation - Optimized the AVP name search at runtime, moved the AVP aliases in a tree map
Deleted lines 26-27:
  • KeyValue Interface - Add a new interface to allow support for Key-Value ( NoSQL ) type databases more ...
March 08, 2012, at 11:33 AM by vlad_paiu -
Changed line 89 from:
  • Early Dialog Termination - A djalog can be ended from the middle by OpenSIPS, even if in unconfirmed or early state
  • Early Dialog Termination - A djalog can be ended from the middle by OpenSIPS, even if in unconfirmed or early state see ...
March 08, 2012, at 11:27 AM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 88-89:
  • Early Dialog Termination - A djalog can be ended from the middle by OpenSIPS, even if in unconfirmed or early state
February 21, 2012, at 11:48 AM by -
Changed lines 66-70 from:

module to the sipmsgops module. traffic. more ...

  • SIP Validation - A new function, sipmsg_validate() has been added . that verifies if the received SIP request or reply is compliant with the RFC3261. The new function can be used to prevent malformed SIP messages from propagating through your network, and also avoid expensive processing them from the start.

traffic. more ...


module to the sipmsgops module. more ...

  • SIP Validation - A new function, sipmsg_validate() has been added . that verifies if the received SIP request or reply is compliant with the RFC3261. The new function can be used to prevent malformed SIP messages from propagating through your network, and also avoid expensive processing them from the start. more ...
February 21, 2012, at 11:47 AM by -
Added lines 62-70:

New SIPMSGOPS module

  • sipmsgops module - In a large restructuring, all the SIP related functions were moved from the textops

module to the sipmsgops module. traffic. more ...

  • SIP Validation - A new function, sipmsg_validate() has been added . that verifies if the received SIP request or reply is compliant with the RFC3261. The new function can be used to prevent malformed SIP messages from propagating through your network, and also avoid expensive processing them from the start.

traffic. more ...

February 15, 2012, at 03:38 PM by razvancrainea -
Changed line 80 from:
  • Distributed Dialog profiles - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store Dialog profiles into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share Dialog profiles information more ...
  • Distributed Dialog profiles - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store Dialog profiles into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share Dialog profiles information, allowing you to create complex scenarios like distributed load balancing more ...
February 14, 2012, at 03:03 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed lines 12-13 from:

What is new in 1.8.0 ( trunk )


What is new in 1.8.0

February 14, 2012, at 03:03 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed lines 75-77 from:
  • Custom delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate the fields can now be custom. This spares you of explicit escaping the separator character ('|') when you can use a different character instead.
  • Single file per table - This enhancement allows the module to efficiently dump all the data into a single file by each process, instead of separate files. This offers better management of the generated files for each table.
  • Customized logging files - The two new parameters were added, "suffix" and "preffix" allow you to customize the file names where the db_flatstore dumps data. You can now add a timestamp or a version number for each file this module generates.
  • Custom delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate the fields can now be custom. This spares you of explicit escaping the separator character ('|') when you can use a different character instead. see ...
  • Single file per table - This enhancement allows the module to efficiently dump all the data into a single file by each process, instead of separate files. This offers better management of the generated files for each table. see ...
  • Customized logging files - The two new parameters were added, "suffix" and "preffix" allow you to customize the file names where the db_flatstore dumps data. You can now add a timestamp or a version number for each file this module generates. see ...
February 14, 2012, at 03:01 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed lines 81-82 from:
  • Distributed Dialog profiles - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store Dialog profiles into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share Dialog profiles information
  • Distributed Dialog profiles - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store Dialog profiles into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share Dialog profiles information more ...
Changed lines 85-87 from:
  • New parameter - Added a new parameter 'db_flush_vals_profiles' that tells OpenSIPS to dump dialog vals, profiles and user flags into db when using db_mode 1 and 2
  • New Dialog PVAR - Added new $DLG_did pseudo variable that returns the dialog DID
  • New parameter - Added a new parameter 'db_flush_vals_profiles' that tells OpenSIPS to dump dialog vals, profiles and user flags into db when using db_mode 1 and 2 see ...
  • New Dialog PVAR - Added new $DLG_did pseudo variable that returns the dialog DID see ...
February 14, 2012, at 02:58 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed lines 67-68 from:
  • Enhanced CDR functionality - Added three new params in acc module: db_extra_bye, aaa_extra_bye, log_extra_bye. When using CDR auto generation, these parameters will allow you to add some extra accouting information taken from the BYE message.
  • Enhanced CDR functionality - Added three new params in acc module: db_extra_bye, aaa_extra_bye, log_extra_bye. When using CDR auto generation, these parameters will allow you to add some extra accouting information taken from the BYE message. see ...
Changed lines 101-104 from:
  • Major Rework - Added a new, more flexible implementation of the ratelimit module. This module now allows you to create pipes dinamically at runtime
  • Distributed Limiting - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store limiting info into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share information about the same Ratelimit pipe.
  • Major Rework - Added a new, more flexible implementation of the ratelimit module. This module now allows you to create pipes dinamically at runtime more ...
  • Distributed Limiting - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store limiting info into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share information about the same Ratelimit pipe. see ...
Changed lines 107-109 from:
  • GRUU - Implement the GRUU SIP extension.
  • ul_sync fifo command - synchronizes contacts from memory with the database
  • GRUU - Implement the GRUU SIP extension. more ...
  • ul_sync fifo command - synchronizes contacts from memory with the database see ...
Changed line 112 from:
  • database support - registrants are loaded from database instead of being configured in the config file (via parameters).
  • database support - registrants are loaded from database instead of being configured in the config file (via parameters). see ...
February 14, 2012, at 02:53 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed line 36 from:
  • Redis Module - Uses the Key-Value interface in the core to allow the script & modules to connect and do various Key-Value operations on a Redis DB.
  • Redis Module - Uses the Key-Value interface in the core to allow the script & modules to connect and do various Key-Value operations on a Redis DB. more ...
February 14, 2012, at 02:52 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed lines 19-21 from:
  • Extended send function - Core function "send" can receive an extra parameter with headers that will be added to the sent message
  • New subscribe_event function - Added the 'subscribe_event' function to the Event Interface. This function offers the possibility to subscribe an external application from the script
  • Extended send function - Core function "send" can receive an extra parameter with headers that will be added to the sent message see ...
  • New subscribe_event function - Added the 'subscribe_event' function to the Event Interface. This function offers the possibility to subscribe an external application from the script see ...
February 14, 2012, at 02:48 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed lines 40-41 from:
  • DNS_CACHE Module - Uses the Key-Value interface in the core to cache all types of DNS records in a cache_db type back-end ( localcache, memcached, redis, cassandra ).
  • DNS_CACHE Module - Uses the Key-Value interface in the core to cache all types of DNS records in a cache_db type back-end ( localcache, memcached, redis, cassandra ). more ...
Changed lines 44-45 from:
  • RabbitMQ client - Will allow OpenSIPS to push tasks into a RabbitMQ server, where they will be later processed by other entities.
  • RabbitMQ client - Will allow OpenSIPS to push tasks into a RabbitMQ server, where they will be later processed by other entities. more ...
Changed lines 48-49 from:
  • Httpd module - Embedded web server based on microlibhttpd.
  • Httpd module - Embedded web server based on microlibhttpd. more ...
Changed lines 52-53 from:
  • Lua module - Access to Lua functions in the opensips.cfg
  • Lua module - Access to Lua functions in the opensips.cfg more ...
Changed lines 56-57 from:
  • mi_http Module - Allows server management through a web interface (using the existing MI commands).
  • mi_http Module - Allows server management through a web interface (using the existing MI commands). more ...
Changed line 62 from:



traffic. more ...

February 13, 2012, at 06:26 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed line 28 from:
  • Easier Configuration - A new tool with a graphical user interface has been added to make it easier to configure OpenSIPS compile related options, to install OpenSIPS, and to generate configuration files based on user preferences.
  • Easier Configuration - A new tool with a graphical user interface has been added to make it easier to configure OpenSIPS compile related options, to install OpenSIPS, and to generate configuration files based on user preferences. more ...
Changed line 32 from:
  • Cassandra Module - Uses the Key-Value interface in the core to allow script & modules to connect and do various Key-Value operations on a Cassandra DB.
  • Cassandra Module - Uses the Key-Value interface in the core to allow script & modules to connect and do various Key-Value operations on a Cassandra DB. more ...
February 13, 2012, at 03:12 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed line 23 from:
  • KeyValue Interface - Add a new interface to allow support for Key-Value ( NoSQL ) type databases
  • KeyValue Interface - Add a new interface to allow support for Key-Value ( NoSQL ) type databases more ...
February 13, 2012, at 03:08 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed lines 28-29 from:
  • Easier Configuration - Several tools will be developed that will make OpenSIPS installation and configuration easier and more straight-forward.
  • Easier Configuration - A new tool with a graphical user interface has been added to make it easier to configure OpenSIPS compile related options, to install OpenSIPS, and to generate configuration files based on user preferences.
February 13, 2012, at 03:07 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 98-99:
  • GW whitelist - support for white list on routing - an extra param can be pushed to do_routing() in order to force routing over a given list of carriers or gateways (a subset of what found in the prefix rules)
Changed lines 109-110 from:
  • ul_sync fifo command - synchronizes contacts from memory with the database
Deleted lines 113-136:

What is planned to also be 1.8.0


  • Extended math ops - While the current OpenSIPS design only allows variables to have integer and string values, it is often needed to do more complex float number operations, for scenarios like Billing, etc.


  • Postpaid and Prepaid - Implement a simple billing engine into OpenSIPS that will allow both prepaid and postpaid types of billing

B2B module

  • Script Logic - Allow the B2BUA behavior to also be configured from the script, not only from the XML scenarios

PIKE module

  • Distributed SIP banning - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store Pike ban info into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share ban info.

USRLOC module

  • Distributed User Location - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store user location info into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share information about common online subscribers.
February 07, 2012, at 12:45 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 39-42:

New DNS_CACHE module

  • DNS_CACHE Module - Uses the Key-Value interface in the core to cache all types of DNS records in a cache_db type back-end ( localcache, memcached, redis, cassandra ).
Deleted lines 113-118:


  • DNS Cache - Cache DNS entries using the key-value support

January 31, 2012, at 05:17 PM by razvancrainea -
Added lines 69-74:


  • Custom delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate the fields can now be custom. This spares you of explicit escaping the separator character ('|') when you can use a different character instead.
  • Single file per table - This enhancement allows the module to efficiently dump all the data into a single file by each process, instead of separate files. This offers better management of the generated files for each table.
  • Customized logging files - The two new parameters were added, "suffix" and "preffix" allow you to customize the file names where the db_flatstore dumps data. You can now add a timestamp or a version number for each file this module generates.
January 30, 2012, at 09:51 PM by osas - Adding note about uac_registrant (db support)
Added lines 97-100:


  • database support - registrants are loaded from database instead of being configured in the config file (via parameters).
January 30, 2012, at 06:54 PM by osas - New module: httpd
Added lines 42-45:

New HTTPD module

  • Httpd module - Embedded web server based on microlibhttpd.
January 19, 2012, at 01:34 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 26-30:

OpenSIPS configuration

  • Easier Configuration - Several tools will be developed that will make OpenSIPS installation and configuration easier and more straight-forward.

Added lines 68-69:
  • Distributed Dialog profiles - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store Dialog profiles into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share Dialog profiles information
Changed lines 102-107 from:

OpenSIPS configuration

  • Easier Configuration - Several tools will be developed that will make OpenSIPS installation and configuration easier and more straight-forward.

Deleted lines 113-116:

DIALOG module

  • Distributed Dialog profiles - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store Dialog profiles into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share Dialog profiles information
December 28, 2011, at 02:37 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 26-29:


  • Cassandra Module - Uses the Key-Value interface in the core to allow script & modules to connect and do various Key-Value operations on a Cassandra DB.
Changed line 32 from:
  • Redis Module - Allows connection and various Key-Value operations on a Redis DB.
  • Redis Module - Uses the Key-Value interface in the core to allow the script & modules to connect and do various Key-Value operations on a Redis DB.
December 28, 2011, at 12:23 AM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 41-46:


  • sipcapture module - allows OpenSIPS to operate as a robust and scalable SIP sampling/capture server

with native support for HEPv1/v2, IPIP Encapsulation protocols and switch mirroring/monitoring port traffic.

December 28, 2011, at 12:16 AM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 34-37:

New LUA module

  • Lua module - Access to Lua functions in the opensips.cfg
Deleted lines 97-101:

New LUA module

  • Lua module - Access to Lua functions in the opensips.cfg
November 23, 2011, at 04:40 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 55-62:


  • DR_CARRIERS - Introduce the Carrier concept. A carrier can have multiple gateways and will allow for more advanced scenarios.
  • Rule fallback - In case all the specified gateways for a specific rule will fail, OpenSIPS will be able to fallback to a less specific prefix
  • Current prefix - In case of a prefix match, that specific prefix will be return in an AVP and accessible from script.
Added lines 67-68:
  • Distributed Limiting - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store limiting info into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share information about the same Ratelimit pipe.
Deleted lines 107-114:


  • DR_CARRIERS - Introduce the Carrier concept. A carrier can have multiple gateways and will allow for more advanced scenarios.
  • Rule fallback - In case all the specified gateways for a specific rule will fail, OpenSIPS will be able to fallback to a less specific prefix
  • Current prefix - In case of a prefix match, that specific prefix will be return in an AVP and accessible from script.
Deleted lines 110-113:


  • Distributed Limiting - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store limiting info into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share information about the same Ratelimit pipe.
November 19, 2011, at 06:51 PM by osas - mi_http module
Added lines 33-36:

New MI_HTTP module

  • mi_http Module - Allows server management through a web interface (using the existing MI commands).
October 03, 2011, at 01:29 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 23-24:
  • KeyValue Interface - Add a new interface to allow support for Key-Value ( NoSQL ) type databases
Added lines 26-29:


  • Redis Module - Allows connection and various Key-Value operations on a Redis DB.
Deleted lines 63-64:
  • KeyValue Interface - Add a new interface to allow support for Key-Value ( NoSQL ) type databases
Deleted lines 71-73:


  • Redis Module - Allows connection and various Key-Value operations on a Redis DB.
September 30, 2011, at 02:06 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 24-28:


  • RabbitMQ client - Will allow OpenSIPS to push tasks into a RabbitMQ server, where they will be later processed by other entities.

Deleted lines 70-73:

New RABBITMQ module

  • RabbitMQ - Will allow OpenSIPS to push tasks into a RabbitMQ server, where they will be later processed by other entities.
September 28, 2011, at 12:59 PM by vlad_paiu -
Deleted lines 26-29:


  • Call Limiting - Added ability to limit concurrent calls to CallControl
September 28, 2011, at 12:55 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 48-51:


  • GRUU - Implement the GRUU SIP extension.
Deleted lines 106-109:


  • GRUU - Implement the GRUU SIP extension.
September 27, 2011, at 04:36 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 78-81:

New LUA module

  • Lua module - Access to Lua functions in the opensips.cfg
September 27, 2011, at 01:02 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed lines 106-107 from:
  • Distributed Limiting - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store Pike ban info into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share information about the same Ratelimit pipe.
  • Distributed Limiting - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store limiting info into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share information about the same Ratelimit pipe.
Changed line 110 from:
  • Distributed User Location - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store Pike ban info into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share information about common online subscribers.
  • Distributed User Location - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store user location info into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share information about common online subscribers.
September 27, 2011, at 12:38 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 56-60:

OpenSIPS configuration

  • Easier Configuration - Several tools will be developed that will make OpenSIPS installation and configuration easier and more straight-forward.
September 27, 2011, at 12:18 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed lines 70-73 from:


  • GRUU - Implement the GRUU SIP extension.


  • Postpaid and Prepaid - Implement a simple billing engine into OpenSIPS that will allow both prepaid and postpaid types of billing

B2B module

  • Script Logic - Allow the B2BUA behavior to also be configured from the script, not only from the XML scenarios
Added lines 83-90:


  • DR_CARRIERS - Introduce the Carrier concept. A carrier can have multiple gateways and will allow for more advanced scenarios.
  • Rule fallback - In case all the specified gateways for a specific rule will fail, OpenSIPS will be able to fallback to a less specific prefix
  • Current prefix - In case of a prefix match, that specific prefix will be return in an AVP and accessible from script.
Added lines 95-98:


  • GRUU - Implement the GRUU SIP extension.
Changed lines 107-121 from:

Simple Billing Engine

  • Postpaid and Prepaid - Implement a simple billing engine into OpenSIPS that will allow both prepaid and postpaid types of billing


  • DR_CARRIERS - Introduce the Carrier concept. A carrier can have multiple gateways and will allow for more advanced scenarios.
  • Rule fallback - In case all the specified gateways for a specific rule will fail, OpenSIPS will be able to fallback to a less specific prefix
  • Current prefix - In case of a prefix match, that specific prefix will be return in an AVP and accessible from script.

B2B module

  • Script Logic - Allow the B2BUA behavior to also be configured from the script, not only from the XML scenarios
September 27, 2011, at 12:16 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 65-68:


  • Extended math ops - While the current OpenSIPS design only allows variables to have integer and string values, it is often needed to do more complex float number operations, for scenarios like Billing, etc.
September 27, 2011, at 12:07 PM by vlad_paiu -
Deleted lines 64-67:


  • Sangoma Cards - Will allow OpenSIPS to control Sangoma Cards to manage codec transcoding within OpenSIPS.
September 26, 2011, at 06:16 PM by vlad_paiu -
Deleted lines 23-28:


  • Major Rework - Added a new, more flexible implementation of the ratelimit module. This module now allows you to create pipes dinamically at runtime
Added lines 28-31:


  • Call Limiting - Added ability to limit concurrent calls to CallControl
Changed lines 44-46 from:


  • Call Limiting - Added ability to limit concurrent calls to CallControl


  • Major Rework - Added a new, more flexible implementation of the ratelimit module. This module now allows you to create pipes dinamically at runtime
September 26, 2011, at 06:09 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 68-71:


  • Sangoma Cards - Will allow OpenSIPS to control Sangoma Cards to manage codec transcoding within OpenSIPS.
Added line 107:
September 26, 2011, at 06:08 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 57-58:
  • DNS Cache - Cache DNS entries using the key-value support
Added lines 64-67:

New RABBITMQ module

  • RabbitMQ - Will allow OpenSIPS to push tasks into a RabbitMQ server, where they will be later processed by other entities.
Added lines 99-102:

B2B module

  • Script Logic - Allow the B2BUA behavior to also be configured from the script, not only from the XML scenarios
September 26, 2011, at 06:04 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 85-92:


  • DR_CARRIERS - Introduce the Carrier concept. A carrier can have multiple gateways and will allow for more advanced scenarios.
  • Rule fallback - In case all the specified gateways for a specific rule will fail, OpenSIPS will be able to fallback to a less specific prefix
  • Current prefix - In case of a prefix match, that specific prefix will be return in an AVP and accessible from script.
September 26, 2011, at 06:01 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 82-84:

Simple Billing Engine

  • Postpaid and Prepaid - Implement a simple billing engine into OpenSIPS that will allow both prepaid and postpaid types of billing
September 26, 2011, at 06:01 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 61-83:


  • GRUU - Implement the GRUU SIP extension.

DIALOG module

  • Distributed Dialog profiles - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store Dialog profiles into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share Dialog profiles information

PIKE module

  • Distributed SIP banning - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store Pike ban info into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share ban info.


  • Distributed Limiting - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store Pike ban info into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share information about the same Ratelimit pipe.

USRLOC module

  • Distributed User Location - Take advantage of the new Key-Value interface to store Pike ban info into a distributed Key-Value database. Multiple OpenSIPS instances will be able to share information about common online subscribers.
September 26, 2011, at 05:55 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed lines 53-54 from:


  • KeyValue Interface - Add a new interface to allow support for Key-Value ( NoSQL ) type databases


  • Redis Module - Allows connection and various Key-Value operations on a Redis DB.
September 26, 2011, at 05:52 PM by vlad_paiu -
Deleted line 23:


September 26, 2011, at 05:52 PM by vlad_paiu -
September 26, 2011, at 05:51 PM by vlad_paiu -
Changed lines 17-20 from:

New RATELIMIT module

ACC module

  • AVP Optimisation - Optimized the AVP name search at runtime, moved the AVP aliases in a tree map
  • Extended send function - Core function "send" can receive an extra parameter with headers that will be added to the sent message
  • New subscribe_event function - Added the 'subscribe_event' function to the Event Interface. This function offers the possibility to subscribe an external application from the script



  • Major Rework - Added a new, more flexible implementation of the ratelimit module. This module now allows you to create pipes dinamically at runtime

ACC module

  • Enhanced CDR functionality - Added three new params in acc module: db_extra_bye, aaa_extra_bye, log_extra_bye. When using CDR auto generation, these parameters will allow you to add some extra accouting information taken from the BYE message.


  • DB reconnection - Attempt to reconnect to the DB on the fly, instead of missing the current query.

DIALOG module

  • Extended Dialog API - Allow other modules to specify certain behavior, like in-dialog pinging or BYE on timeout.
  • New parameter - Added a new parameter 'db_flush_vals_profiles' that tells OpenSIPS to dump dialog vals, profiles and user flags into db when using db_mode 1 and 2
  • New Dialog PVAR - Added new $DLG_did pseudo variable that returns the dialog DID


  • Call Limiting - Added ability to limit concurrent calls to CallControl
September 26, 2011, at 05:27 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 13-19:


New RATELIMIT module

ACC module

September 26, 2011, at 05:25 PM by vlad_paiu -
Added lines 1-19:

Main -> Releases? -> Release 1.8.0

(:toc-float Table of Content:)

Migration from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0


What is new in 1.8.0 ( trunk )

What is planned to also be 1.8.0

Page last modified on April 23, 2013, at 07:11 PM