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April 24, 2013, at 07:24 PM by -
Changed lines 1-16 from:

Resources -> Documentation -> CookBooks -> Core Events

(:toc-float Table of Content:) Events are exported by the OpenSIPS core through the Event Interface.

Threshold limit exceeded


This event is triggered when a particular action takes longer than a specific threshold. It can be raised when a MySQL or DNS query takes too long, or a SIP message processing goes beyond a specific limit. For more information please see this post.


  • source: the source of the event: mysql module, core (for DNS or message processing warnings).
  • time: the number of micro-seconds the limit has been exceeded
  • extra: extra information, depending on the source of the event

(:redirect Documentation/Interface-CoreEvents-1-8 quiet=1:)

December 21, 2012, at 01:04 PM by razvancrainea -
Added lines 1-16:

Resources -> Documentation -> CookBooks -> Core Events

(:toc-float Table of Content:) Events are exported by the OpenSIPS core through the Event Interface.

Threshold limit exceeded


This event is triggered when a particular action takes longer than a specific threshold. It can be raised when a MySQL or DNS query takes too long, or a SIP message processing goes beyond a specific limit. For more information please see this post.


  • source: the source of the event: mysql module, core (for DNS or message processing warnings).
  • time: the number of micro-seconds the limit has been exceeded
  • extra: extra information, depending on the source of the event

Page last modified on April 24, 2013, at 07:24 PM