Resources.DocsMSRPRelay History

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April 24, 2013, at 06:58 PM by -
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MSRP Relay

The main role of MSRP Relay is to help NAT traversal of MSRP based Instant Messaging and File Transfer sessions between SIP end-points located behind NAT. This extension is defined in RFC 4976.

MSRP Relay authenticates the user using OpenSIPS account credentials. The current supported credential storage is MySQL subscriber table.

The documentation for using MSRP relay is available at


(:redirect Documentation.MSRP-Relay quiet=1 :)

March 26, 2013, at 03:22 PM by adigeo -
Added lines 1-8:

MSRP Relay

The main role of MSRP Relay is to help NAT traversal of MSRP based Instant Messaging and File Transfer sessions between SIP end-points located behind NAT. This extension is defined in RFC 4976.

MSRP Relay authenticates the user using OpenSIPS account credentials. The current supported credential storage is MySQL subscriber table.

The documentation for using MSRP relay is available at

Page last modified on April 24, 2013, at 06:58 PM