wolfssl Module

Table of Contents

1. Admin Guide
1.1. Overview
1.2. Dependencies
1.2.1. OpenSIPS Modules
1.2.2. External Libraries or Applications
1.3. Exported Parameters
1.3.1. ca_list (string)
1.3.2. certificate (string)
1.3.3. private_key (string)
2. Contributors
2.1. By Commit Statistics
2.2. By Commit Activity
3. Documentation
3.1. Contributors

List of Tables

2.1. Top contributors by DevScore(1), authored commits(2) and lines added/removed(3)
2.2. Most recently active contributors(1) to this module

List of Examples

1.1. Set ca_list variable
1.2. Set certificate variable
1.3. Set private_key variable

Chapter 1. Admin Guide

1.1. Overview

This module implements TLS operations using the wolfssl libarary and provides an interface for the proto_bins module. The wolfssl library is statically-linked and bundled with this module so no installation or external dependency is required.

1.2. Dependencies

1.2.1. OpenSIPS Modules

The following modules must be loaded before this module:

  • None.

1.2.2. External Libraries or Applications

The following libraries or applications must be installed before running OpenSIPS with this module loaded:

  • None.

1.3. Exported Parameters

1.3.1. ca_list (string)

List of trusted CAs. The file contains the certificates accepted, one after the other. It MUST be a file, not a folder.

Default value is "".

Example 1.1. Set ca_list variable

modparam("wolfssl", "ca_list", "/mycerts/certs/ca_list.pem")

1.3.2. certificate (string)

Public certificate file for OpenSIPS. It will be used as server-side certificate for incoming TLS connections, and as a client-side certificate for outgoing TLS connections.

Default value is "".

Example 1.2. Set certificate variable

modparam("wolfssl", "certificate", "/mycerts/certs/opensips_server_cert.pem")

1.3.3. private_key (string)

Private key of the above certificate. I must be kept in a safe place with tight permissions!

Default value is "".

Example 1.3. Set private_key variable

modparam("wolfssl", "private_key", "/mycerts/private/prik.pem")

Chapter 2. Contributors

2.1. By Commit Statistics

Table 2.1. Top contributors by DevScore(1), authored commits(2) and lines added/removed(3)

 NameDevScoreCommitsLines ++Lines --
1. Vlad Patrascu (@rvlad-patrascu)11112160

(1) DevScore = author_commits + author_lines_added / (project_lines_added / project_commits) + author_lines_deleted / (project_lines_deleted / project_commits)

(2) including any documentation-related commits, excluding merge commits. Regarding imported patches/code, we do our best to count the work on behalf of the proper owner, as per the "fix_authors" and "mod_renames" arrays in opensips/doc/build-contrib.sh. If you identify any patches/commits which do not get properly attributed to you, please submit a pull request which extends "fix_authors" and/or "mod_renames".

(3) ignoring whitespace edits, renamed files and auto-generated files

2.2. By Commit Activity

Table 2.2. Most recently active contributors(1) to this module

 NameCommit Activity
1. Vlad Patrascu (@rvlad-patrascu)Feb 2021 - Feb 2021

(1) including any documentation-related commits, excluding merge commits

Chapter 3. Documentation

3.1. Contributors

Last edited by: Vlad Patrascu (@rvlad-patrascu).

Documentation Copyrights:

Copyright © 2021 www.opensips-solutions.com