
About.News0047 History

Show minor edits - Show changes to output

May 09, 2013, at 04:37 PM by razvancrainea -
Changed lines 12-13 from:
For a comparison between the two versions go to:
For a comparison between the two versions go [[About.PerformanceTests-UserLocation | here]].
November 13, 2009, at 05:32 PM by bogdan -
Added lines 1-13:
!!About -> [[About.News | News]] -> Faster User Location

!!!! User Location engine is 3 times faster

A new version of the usrloc module has been added to OpenSIPS trunk.

What is added when compared to the old version:
* user location queries are now faster ( up to 3 times faster)
* user location queries now take a constant amount of time regardless of the number of registered users.

For a comparison between the two versions go to:

Page last modified on May 09, 2013, at 04:37 PM