From openSIPS

About: Version-2-3-0

About -> Available Versions -> 2.3.x Releases -> Release 2.3.0

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Table of Content (hide)

  1. 1. Migration from 2.2.x to 2.3.0
  2. 2. What is new in 2.3.0
    1. 2.1 OpenSIPS core
    2. 2.2 OpenSIPS script
    3. 2.3 Async layer
    4. 2.4 OpenSIPS Enhanced tracing
    5. 2.5 OpenSIPS troubleshooting / development
    6. 2.6 CGRATES module (new)
    7. 2.7 EVENT ROUTING module (new)
    8. 2.8 FREESWITCH module (new)
    9. 2.9 SIP_I module (new)
    10. 2.10 MID_REGISTRAR module (new)
    11. 2.11 RABBITMQ module (new)
    12. 2.12 XML module (new)
    13. 2.13 ACC module
    14. 2.14 Call Center module
    15. 2.15 Clusterer module
    16. 2.16 DB MYSQL module
    17. 2.17 Dialog module
    18. 2.18 Dispatcher module
    19. 2.19 DROUTING module
    20. 2.20 Cachedb_local module
    21. 2.21 Load Balancer module
    22. 2.22 MI FIFO module
    23. 2.23 MI HTTP module
    24. 2.24 MI JSON module
    25. 2.25 MI XMLRPC NG module
    26. 2.26 MI DATAGRAM module
    27. 2.27 OSP module
    28. 2.28 PRESENCE module
    29. 2.29 PROTO HEP module
    30. 2.30 PROTO TCP module
    31. 2.31 PROTO TLS module
    32. 2.32 PROTO WS module
    33. 2.33 PROTO WSS module
    34. 2.34 Registrar module
    35. 2.35 REST client module
    36. 2.36 RTPProxy module
    37. 2.37 RTPEngine module
    38. 2.38 SIPMSGOPS module
    39. 2.39 SIPTRACE module
    40. 2.40 STATISTICS module
    41. 2.41 TOPOLOGY HIDING module
    42. 2.42 TM module
    43. 2.43 TLS MGM module
    44. 2.44 USRLOC module

1.  Migration from 2.2.x to 2.3.0

2.  What is new in 2.3.0

2.1  OpenSIPS core

2.2  OpenSIPS script

2.3  Async layer

2.4  OpenSIPS Enhanced tracing

Starting with this versions multiple events can be traced, other than sip packets. There are two types of events:

At the moment, OpenSIPS 2.3 supports tracing for the following sip context events:

These events are controlled via sip_trace function which was enhanced with a new parameter through which one can specify which of these events shall be traced. All these events will be traced in the sip context that is given to the function, that is if rest tracing is activated for a dialog, all rest requests and replies that will occur for that dialog shall be traced.

The following non sip events can be traced:

For these types of events the hep ids defined directly in proto_hep module, since there is no sip context( see mi_fifo exmaple). For the mi commands there is the posibilty to define blacklists or whitlists of commands to be traced in order to avoid tracing commands that are not useful( see mi_fifo example ). For transport layer protocols the unit we are working with is a connection. All protocol events such as connect or accept events, connection closed events for TCP, certificate information and master key for TLS and WSS and http request and reply used during the handshake for WS and WSS. Tracing can be activated via MI ( WSS example ) and the connections that will be traced can be controlled via a filter route in which users will ses source and destination IPs and ports for that connection ( WSS example ).

2.5  OpenSIPS troubleshooting / development

2.6  CGRATES module (new)

2.7  EVENT ROUTING module (new)

2.8  FREESWITCH module (new)

2.9  SIP_I module (new)

2.10  MID_REGISTRAR module (new)

2.11  RABBITMQ module (new)

2.12  XML module (new)

2.13  ACC module

2.14  Call Center module

2.15  Clusterer module

2.16  DB MYSQL module

2.17  Dialog module

2.18  Dispatcher module

2.19  DROUTING module

2.20  Cachedb_local module

2.21  Load Balancer module

2.22  MI FIFO module

2.23  MI HTTP module

2.24  MI JSON module

2.25  MI XMLRPC NG module

2.26  MI DATAGRAM module

2.27  OSP module

2.28  PRESENCE module

2.29  PROTO HEP module

2.30  PROTO TCP module

2.31  PROTO TLS module

2.32  PROTO WS module

2.33  PROTO WSS module

2.34  Registrar module

2.35  REST client module

2.36  RTPProxy module

2.37  RTPEngine module

2.38  SIPMSGOPS module

2.39  SIPTRACE module

2.40  STATISTICS module

2.41  TOPOLOGY HIDING module

2.42  TM module

2.43  TLS MGM module

2.44  USRLOC module

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Page last modified on March 16, 2017, at 07:18 PM