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About: Version-3-3-0

About -> Available Versions -> 3.3.x Releases -> Release 3.3.0

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Table of Content (hide)

  1. 1. Migration from 3.2.x to 3.3.0
  2. 2. What is new in 3.3.0
    1. 2.1 OpenSIPS Core
    2. 2.2 Status/Report framework
    3. 2.3 OpenSIPS Modules
    4. 2.4 B2B_SDP_DEMUX module (new)
    5. 2.5 MSRP_RELAY module (new)
    6. 2.6 MSRP_UA module (new)
    7. 2.7 MSRP_GATEWAY module (new)
    8. 2.8 PROTO_MSRP module (new)
    9. 2.9 STATUS_REPORT module (new)
    10. 2.10 TCP_MGM module (new)
    11. 2.11 AAA_DIAMETER module
    12. 2.12 AUTH module
    13. 2.13 B2B_ENTITIES module
    14. 2.14 B2B_LOGIC module
    15. 2.15 CACHEDB_LOCAL module
    16. 2.16 CACHEDB_REDIS module
    17. 2.17 CALL_CENTER module
    18. 2.18 COMPRESSION module
    19. 2.19 CLUSTERER module
    20. 2.20 DIALOG module
    21. 2.21 DIALOG module
    22. 2.22 DISPATCHER module
    23. 2.23 DROUTING module
    24. 2.24 HTTPD module
    25. 2.25 MID_REGISTRAR module
    26. 2.26 PIKE module
    27. 2.27 PROMETHEUS module
    28. 2.28 PROTO_TCP module
    29. 2.29 RATELIMIT module
    30. 2.30 REGISTRAR module
    31. 2.31 REST_CLIENT module
    32. 2.32 MEDIA_EXCHANGE module
    33. 2.33 RTP_RELAY module
    34. 2.34 RTPPROXY module
    35. 2.35 RTPENGINE module
    36. 2.36 SIPMSGOPS module
    37. 2.37 SIPREC module
    38. 2.38 SQL_CACHER module
    39. 2.39 STIR_SHAKEN module
    40. 2.40 TOPOLOGY_HIDING module

1.  Migration from 3.2.x to 3.3.0

2.  What is new in 3.3.0

2.1  OpenSIPS Core

2.2  Status/Report framework

New framework and interface for managing and accessing the status (readiness) and logs of various OpenSIPS components (modules or parts of the core). See the description of the framework and of its ecosystem.
Several module are already supporting the status and reporting interface, such as Drouting, Dispatcher, Clusterer, Dialplan, Pike and SQL Cacher.

2.3  OpenSIPS Modules

2.4  B2B_SDP_DEMUX module (new)

The module is able to de-multiplex a multi-stream call to multiple downstream calls, each containing a different subset of the initial streams. See the module documentation for more details.

2.5  MSRP_RELAY module (new)

The module implements an MSRP Relay according to RFC 4976. The module is able to perform relaying/bridging of MSRP traffic between multiple interfaces. See the module documentation for more details.

2.6  MSRP_UA module (new)

The module provides the SIP and MSRP capabilities required for implementing an MSRP endpoint to use directly via scripting/MI or via an internal API for other modules. See the module documentation for more details.

2.7  MSRP_GATEWAY module (new)

The module implements a gateway between SIP MESSAGE(or "Page Mode") and MSRP-based("Session Mode") Instant Messaging. See the module documentation for more details.

2.8  PROTO_MSRP module (new)

This module implements the MSRP(S) support according to RFC 4975. The implementation provides a generic MSRP(S) stack covering the network operations (reading / writing MRSP(S) messages), the parsing of the MSRP messages and the managing of the MSRP transactions (request-reply and timeout). The module by itself cannot be used as it exposes no scripting or MI capabilities - it exposes only an internal API for other modules to build functionalities on top of it, like the msrp_relay module or the msrp_ua (User agent) module. See the module documentation for more details.

2.9  STATUS_REPORT module (new)

Module to provide custom, script level defined, Status/Report identifiers, with the ability to publish status and reports for them. See the module documentation and also the description of the Status/Report framework

2.10  TCP_MGM module (new)

This new module is completely optional, and it provides fine-grained control over the properties of each TCP connection taking place in OpenSIPS, using an SQL backend. See the module documentation and blog post for more info.

2.11  AAA_DIAMETER module

2.12  AUTH module

2.13  B2B_ENTITIES module

2.14  B2B_LOGIC module

2.15  CACHEDB_LOCAL module

2.16  CACHEDB_REDIS module

2.17  CALL_CENTER module

2.18  COMPRESSION module

2.19  CLUSTERER module

2.20  DIALOG module

2.21  DIALOG module

2.22  DISPATCHER module

2.23  DROUTING module

2.24  HTTPD module

2.25  MID_REGISTRAR module

2.26  PIKE module

2.27  PROMETHEUS module

2.28  PROTO_TCP module

2.29  RATELIMIT module

2.30  REGISTRAR module

2.31  REST_CLIENT module

2.32  MEDIA_EXCHANGE module

2.33  RTP_RELAY module

2.34  RTPPROXY module

2.35  RTPENGINE module

2.36  SIPMSGOPS module

2.37  SIPREC module

2.38  SQL_CACHER module

2.39  STIR_SHAKEN module

2.40  TOPOLOGY_HIDING module

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Page last modified on November 16, 2022, at 08:35 PM