From openSIPS

Development: OpenSIPS 3.1 Media Exchange

Development -> Planning -> Media Exchange Feature

Table of Content (hide)

  1. 1. Script primitives
    1. 1.1 media_send_to_uri(URI[, leg[, body[, headers])]]
    2. 1.2 media_send_from_call(callid[, leg])
    3. 1.3 media_fetch_from_uri(URI[, leg[, body[, headers[, nohold]])]]
    4. 1.4 media_fetch_to_call(callid, leg[, nohold])
    5. 1.5 media_terminate([leg[, nohold)]]
  2. 2. MI primitives
    1. 2.1 media_send_from_call_to_uri
    2. 2.2 media_fetch_from_call_to_uri

The main purpose of OpenSIPS is to behave as a SIP proxy, without interfering with the media between the user agents. There are however cases where one might need to push a certain media stream towards one (or both) call participants, for example for playing back music on hold messages, recording a call, or playing certain announcements. The purpose of the Media Exchange module is to facilitate OpenSIPS users to be able to take media from a call, coming from or going to a media announcement SIP server, and push it into an existing call.

1.  Script primitives

1.1  media_send_to_uri(URI[, leg[, body[, headers]]])

1.2  media_send_from_call(callid[, leg])

1.3  media_fetch_from_uri(URI[, leg[, body[, headers[, nohold]]]])

1.4  media_fetch_to_call(callid, leg[, nohold])

1.5  media_terminate([leg[, nohold]])

2.  MI primitives

2.1  media_send_from_call_to_uri

2.2  media_fetch_from_call_to_uri

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Page last modified on February 07, 2020, at 05:57 PM