Resources.DocsTutRedirect History

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April 24, 2013, at 08:58 PM by -
Changed lines 1-38 from:
!SIP Redirect with script example

You will need to load the module so you can run external scripts

loadmodule ""

In this snippet I am restricting by IP address and by a IP range. You will notice that I used a regular expression to determine the IP range
You will also notice in this example the use of the function [[ | exec_dest()]]. This function calls an external script and assumes that the script returns a SIP URI. Then sets the "Contact" header to the returned SIP URI. You can also use pseudo variables in the exec_dset() function. In this example $tU (To Username) and $fU (From Username) are used.

route {
if ( src_ip == 10.x.x.x || src_ip =~ "^192\.168\..*") {
if(method == "INVITE") {
exec_dset("/usr/local/bin/local_check $fU $tU");
sl_send_reply("302","LCR Redirect");
} else {
} else {
sl_send_reply( "403", "You are not allowed here!" );

Now here is just a dummy script that echoes a SIP URI. You can make it any script you want but is needs to output a valid SIP URI to standard out: (IE.




!!NOTE: To get this to work correctly with Asterisk you need to add "promiscredir=yes" to the general section of your sip.conf
(:redirect Documentation.Tutorials-Redirect quiet=1 :)
April 29, 2010, at 05:52 PM by outcast -
Changed line 11 from:
You will also notice in this example the use of the function [[ | exec_dest()]]. This function calls an external script and assumes that the script returns a SIP URI. Then sets the "Contact" header to the returned SIP URI.
You will also notice in this example the use of the function [[ | exec_dest()]]. This function calls an external script and assumes that the script returns a SIP URI. Then sets the "Contact" header to the returned SIP URI. You can also use pseudo variables in the exec_dset() function. In this example $tU (To Username) and $fU (From Username) are used.
April 29, 2010, at 05:41 PM by outcast -
Changed lines 36-38 from:

!!NOTE: To get this to work correctly with Asterisk you need to add "promiscredir=yes" to the general section of your sip.conf
April 29, 2010, at 05:26 PM by outcast -
Added lines 27-35:

Now here is just a dummy script that echoes a SIP URI. You can make it any script you want but is needs to output a valid SIP URI to standard out: (IE.


April 29, 2010, at 05:10 PM by Thomas - Indention
Changed lines 15-21 from:
if ( src_ip == 10.x.x.x || src_ip =~ "^192\.168\..*") {
if(method == "INVITE") {
exec_dset("/usr/local/thing5/bin/local_check $fU $tU");
sl_send_reply("302","LCR Redirect");
} else {
if ( src_ip == 10.x.x.x || src_ip =~ "^192\.168\..*") {
if(method == "INVITE") {
exec_dset("/usr/local/bin/local_check $fU $tU");
sl_send_reply("302","LCR Redirect");
Changed lines 20-21 from:
sl_send_reply( "403", "You are not allowed here!" );
Changed lines 22-23 from:

} else {
sl_send_reply( "403", "You are not allowed here!" );
Deleted line 26:
April 29, 2010, at 05:02 PM by outcast -
Changed line 11 from:
You will also notice in this example the use of the function [[ | exec_dest()]]. This function calls an external script and assumes that the script returns a SIP URI. Then sets the "Contact" to the return SIP URI.
You will also notice in this example the use of the function [[ | exec_dest()]]. This function calls an external script and assumes that the script returns a SIP URI. Then sets the "Contact" header to the returned SIP URI.
April 29, 2010, at 05:02 PM by outcast -
Changed line 11 from:
You will also notice in this example the use of the function [[ | exec_dest()]]. This function calls an extern script and assumes that the script returns a SIP URI. Then sets the "Contact" to the return SIP URI.
You will also notice in this example the use of the function [[ | exec_dest()]]. This function calls an external script and assumes that the script returns a SIP URI. Then sets the "Contact" to the return SIP URI.
April 29, 2010, at 05:01 PM by outcast -
Changed line 11 from:
You will also notice in this example the use of the function [[ | exec_dest()]]. This function call an extern script and assumes that the script returns a SIP URI. Then sets the "Contact" to the return SIP URI.
You will also notice in this example the use of the function [[ | exec_dest()]]. This function calls an extern script and assumes that the script returns a SIP URI. Then sets the "Contact" to the return SIP URI.
April 29, 2010, at 05:00 PM by outcast -
Changed line 3 from:
You will need to load the module so you can run extern scripts
You will need to load the module so you can run external scripts
April 29, 2010, at 05:00 PM by outcast -
Changed lines 1-4 from:
!!!!SIP Redirect with script example
!SIP Redirect with script example

You will need to load the module so you can run extern scripts
Deleted lines 5-51:
# $Id: opensips.cfg 6464 2009-12-24 08:00:54Z bogdan_iancu $
# OpenSIPS basic configuration script
# by Anca Vamanu <>
# Please refer to the Core CookBook at:
# for a explanation of possible statements, functions and parameters.

####### Global Parameters #########



/* uncomment the following lines to enable debugging */

####### Modules Section ########

#set module path

/* uncomment next line for MySQL DB support */
#loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
#loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
#loadmodule ""
#loadmodule ""
#loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
Changed lines 7-75 from:

# ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------

# ----- mi_fifo params -----
modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/opensips_fifo")

# ----- rr params -----
# add value to ;lr param to cope with most of the UAs
#modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)
# do not append from tag to the RR (no need for this script)
#modparam("rr", "append_fromtag", 0)

# ----- registrar params -----
/* uncomment the next line not to allow more than 10 contacts per AOR */
#modparam("registrar", "max_contacts", 10)

# ----- usrloc params -----
#modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 0)
/* uncomment the following lines if you want to enable DB persistency
for location entries */
#modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)
#modparam("usrloc", "db_url",
# "mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips")

# ----- uri params -----
modparam("uri", "use_uri_table", 0)

# ----- acc params -----
/* what sepcial events should be accounted ? */
modparam("acc", "early_media", 1)
modparam("acc", "report_ack", 1)
modparam("acc", "report_cancels", 1)
/* by default ww do not adjust the direct of the sequential requests.
if you enable this parameter, be sure the enable "append_fromtag"
in "rr" module */
modparam("acc", "detect_direction", 0)
/* account triggers (flags) */
modparam("acc", "failed_transaction_flag", 3)
modparam("acc", "log_flag", 1)
modparam("acc", "log_missed_flag", 2)
/* uncomment the following lines to enable DB accounting also */
modparam("acc", "db_flag", 1)
modparam("acc", "db_missed_flag", 2)

####### Routing Logic ########

# main request routing logic


if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops");

if ( msg:len >= 2048 ) {
sl_send_reply( "513", "Message too big" );

In this snippet I am restricting by IP address and by a IP range. You will notice that I used a regular expression to determine the IP range
You will also notice in this example the use of the function [[ | exec_dest()]]. This function call an extern script and assumes that the script returns a SIP URI. Then sets the "Contact" to the return SIP URI.

route {
Deleted lines 27-39:

route[1] {
if ( ! t_relay() ) {


failure_route[1] {
if (t_was_cancelled()) {
April 29, 2010, at 04:00 PM by outcast -
Changed line 120 from:
if ( src_ip == || src_ip == || src_ip == {
if ( src_ip == 10.x.x.x || src_ip =~ "^192\.168\..*") {
April 29, 2010, at 03:58 PM by outcast -
Added line 1:
!!!!SIP Redirect with script example
April 29, 2010, at 03:58 PM by outcast -
Added lines 1-147:
# $Id: opensips.cfg 6464 2009-12-24 08:00:54Z bogdan_iancu $
# OpenSIPS basic configuration script
# by Anca Vamanu <>
# Please refer to the Core CookBook at:
# for a explanation of possible statements, functions and parameters.

####### Global Parameters #########



/* uncomment the following lines to enable debugging */

####### Modules Section ########

#set module path

/* uncomment next line for MySQL DB support */
#loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
#loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
#loadmodule ""
#loadmodule ""
#loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""

# ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------

# ----- mi_fifo params -----
modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/opensips_fifo")

# ----- rr params -----
# add value to ;lr param to cope with most of the UAs
#modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)
# do not append from tag to the RR (no need for this script)
#modparam("rr", "append_fromtag", 0)

# ----- registrar params -----
/* uncomment the next line not to allow more than 10 contacts per AOR */
#modparam("registrar", "max_contacts", 10)

# ----- usrloc params -----
#modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 0)
/* uncomment the following lines if you want to enable DB persistency
for location entries */
#modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)
#modparam("usrloc", "db_url",
# "mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips")

# ----- uri params -----
modparam("uri", "use_uri_table", 0)

# ----- acc params -----
/* what sepcial events should be accounted ? */
modparam("acc", "early_media", 1)
modparam("acc", "report_ack", 1)
modparam("acc", "report_cancels", 1)
/* by default ww do not adjust the direct of the sequential requests.
if you enable this parameter, be sure the enable "append_fromtag"
in "rr" module */
modparam("acc", "detect_direction", 0)
/* account triggers (flags) */
modparam("acc", "failed_transaction_flag", 3)
modparam("acc", "log_flag", 1)
modparam("acc", "log_missed_flag", 2)
/* uncomment the following lines to enable DB accounting also */
modparam("acc", "db_flag", 1)
modparam("acc", "db_missed_flag", 2)

####### Routing Logic ########

# main request routing logic


if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops");

if ( msg:len >= 2048 ) {
sl_send_reply( "513", "Message too big" );

if ( src_ip == || src_ip == || src_ip == {
if(method == "INVITE") {
exec_dset("/usr/local/thing5/bin/local_check $fU $tU");
sl_send_reply("302","LCR Redirect");
} else {
} else {
sl_send_reply( "403", "You are not allowed here!" );


route[1] {
if ( ! t_relay() ) {


failure_route[1] {
if (t_was_cancelled()) {


Page last modified on April 24, 2013, at 08:58 PM