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Documentation -> Manuals -> Manual 1.5 -> Core MI Functions

Pages for other versions: devel 3.5 3.4 Older versions: 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.11 1.10 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4

Core MI Functions v1.5

MI (management interface) functions which are exported by OpenSIPS core.

This document is for OpenSIPS 1.5.x

1. arg

Returns the full list of arguments used when OpenSIPS was started. As in UNIX, the first argument is the name of executable binary.
Arguments: none
Output: multiple MI nodes where each node contains an argument. The MI nodes have no name, but only value.

Example of usage:

    # opensipsctl fifo arg

2. debug [level]

Gets or sets the value of the debug core variable. You may use it to dynamically (at runtime) change or inspect the debug level of your OpenSIPS. If no argument is passed, the function will fetch the value of the debug level.
Arguments: debug level (-3...4)
Output: debug level (only when no argument is passed). The value will be returned as a single MI node with name "DEBUG"

Examples of usage:

    # opensipsctl fifo debug
    DEBUG:: 4
    # opensipsctl fifo debug 1

3. kill

The command will terminate OpenSIPS (and internal shutdown).
Arguments: none
Output: none

Examples of usage:

    # opensipsctl fifo kill

4. list_blacklists

The command lists all the defined (static or learned) blacklists from OpenSIPS.
Arguments: none
Output: an MI tree - first level (nodes named "List") will describe the list (name, owner, flags); Second level (nodes named "Rules) will describe the rules (blacklists) for each list (IP/mask, protocol, port, matching regexp, flags)

Examples of usage:

    # opensipsctl fifo list_blacklists

5. ps

The command will list all all OpenSIPS processes, along with type and description.
Arguments: none
Output: multiple MI nodes (named "Process") - each node contains process ID (internal), PID (OS), Type and description

Examples of usage:

    # opensipsctl fifo ps
    Process::  ID=0 PID=16224 Type=attendant
    Process::  ID=1 PID=16225 Type=SIP receiver udp: 
    Process::  ID=2 PID=16226 Type=timer
    Process::  ID=3 PID=16227 Type=MI FIFO
    Process::  ID=4 PID=16228 Type=TCP receiver
    Process::  ID=5 PID=16230 Type=TCP main

6. pwd

Prints the working directory of OpenSIPS instance.
Arguments: none
Output: a single MI node with name "WD" containing the working directory full path.

Examples of usage:

    # opensipsctl fifo pwd
    WD:: /

7. uptime

Prints various time information about OpenSIPS - when it started to run, for how long it runs.
Arguments: none
Output: three MI nodes: "Now" - current time; "Up since" - start time ; "Up time" - number of seconds since started.

Examples of usage:

    # opensipsctl fifo uptime
    Now:: Mon Jul 21 17:41:03 2008
    Up since:: Mon Jul 21 17:36:33 2008
    Up time:: 270 [sec]

8. version

Prints the version string of a runningOpenSIPS.
Arguments: none
Output: one MI node (named "Server") containing the version string.

Examples of usage:

    # opensipsctl fifo version
    Server:: OpenSIPS (1.4.0dev14-notls (i386/linux))

9. which

Prints all available MI commands from the queried OpenSIPSinstance.
Arguments: none
Output: multiple MI nodes (no name), each node containing (as value) the name of an available MI command. NOTE that the list of available MI commands may differ depending of what modules your OpenSIPS is using.

Examples of usage:

    # opensipsctl fifo which

10. get_statistics

Prints the statistics (all, group or one) realtime values.
Arguments: input may be "all" - print all available statistics; "group:" - print only statistics from a certain group; "name" - print only this statistic. The OpenSIPS core defines the following groups: core, shmem; Modules export groups typically named like the module itself.
Output: list of MI nodes (no name) - each MI mode contains the name and value of a single statistic variable.

Examples of usage:

    # opensipsctl fifo get_statistics rcv_requests
    core:rcv_requests = 35243
    # opensipsctl fifo get_statistics shmem:      
    shmem:total_size = 33554432
    shmem:used_size = 1686952
    shmem:real_used_size = 1704592
    shmem:max_used_size = 1704592
    shmem:free_size = 31849840
    shmem:fragments = 1
    # opensipsctl fifo get_statistics all

11. reset_statistics

Reset (to zero) the value of a statistic variable. Note that not all variables allow reset (depending of the nature of the information they carry - example "shmem:used_size").
Arguments: name of the variable to be reset.
Output: none.

Examples of usage:

    # opensipsctl fifo get_statistics received_replies
    core:received_replies = 14543
    # opensipsctl fifo reset_statistics received_replies
    # opensipsctl fifo get_statistics received_replies
    core:received_replies = 0

12. cache_store

This command stores in a cache system a string value.
- cache system to use - for the cache system implemented by OpenSIPS module 'localcache' the value of this parameter should be 'local'
- the label to be associated with this value
- the string to be stored
Output: none.
Examples of usage:

    # opensipsctl fifo cache_store local password_user1 password

13. cache_fetch

This command queries for a stored value.
- cache system to use - for the cache system implemented by OpenSIPS module 'localcache' the value of this parameter should be 'local'
- the label associated with the value
Output: MI tree containing the value if a record is found or 'Value not found' string otherwise.
Examples of usage:

    # opensipsctl fifo cache_fetch local password_user1

14. cache_remove

This command removes a record from the cache system.
- cache system to use
- the label associated with the stored value
Output: None.
Examples of usage:

    # opensipsctl fifo cache_remove local password_user1


Andreas Sikkema?29 September 2009, 13:39

The examples for cache-* are not complete and will not wok as is. The need a parameter to tell the fucntion which cache store should be used.

  1. opensipsctl fifo cache_remove password_user1

should be (for example)

  1. opensipsctl fifo cache_remove local password_user1

[By Bogdan] Thank you Andreas, I made the fix in the docs

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