
Community.Event-ClueCon2014 History

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August 14, 2014, at 04:02 PM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:

OpenSIPS project attended to ClueCon on August 4-7, 2012 ( ), one of the most important VoIP events, both with presentations on OpenSIPS (and related) topics and with an one-day OpenSIPS Summit.


OpenSIPS project attended to ClueCon on August 4-7, 2014 ( ), one of the most important VoIP events, both with presentations on OpenSIPS (and related) topics and with an one-day OpenSIPS Summit.

Added lines 9-14:
  1. From High Performance Memory Manger to Call Center support - OpenSIPS 1.11 by Bogdan - Andrei IANCU (OpenSIPS founder) - The story of OpenSIPS release 1.11 starting from the low level improvements (memory manager, transactions and dialog handling) up to high level functionalities (like Call Center support, Script Helper module).

Download Presentation

  1. Study case - how to build geographically distributed system with OpenSIPS by Vlad PAIU (OpenSIPS developer) - A step by step walk-through on how to build a geo-distributed system, all the way from load balancing between PoPs, distributing data between PoPs, replicating SIP data between OpenSIPS instances and building HA inside PoPs.

Download Presentation

August 06, 2014, at 08:17 PM by -
Added lines 1-8:
Community -> Events-> Event ClueCon 2014

(:toc-float Table of Content:)

OpenSIPS project attended to ClueCon on August 4-7, 2012 ( ), one of the most important VoIP events, both with presentations on OpenSIPS (and related) topics and with an one-day OpenSIPS Summit.

OpenSIPS presentations

Page last modified on August 14, 2014, at 04:02 PM