
Community.Event-DevelCourse2008 History

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April 23, 2013, at 08:21 PM by -
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Community -> Development Course 2008

11th of August 2008, OpenSER Advanced Development Course

Following the OpenSER tradition, a 2008 edition of the OpenSER/OpenSIPS Advanced Development Course was held between 11th and 14th of August in Bucharest, Romania, at the Marriott Grand Hotel.

With a keen purposed of teaching people how to develop new module for OpenSER/OpenSIPS, the course was focused more on the hands-on experience, rather than on theoretical presentations.

Gathering 17 participants, the course objective was to write down a complete new module, going through all important things - DB interaction, parsing SIP messages, modifying SIP messages, exporting new Pseudo-variables, exporting Management functions, etc.

The course was a success as at the end, the students ended up with a completely working module written by themselves.

Page last modified on May 14, 2013, at 02:14 PM